Hat Yai to Trang Train

It is possible to travel all the way from Hat Yai to Trang by train, but we would not recommend it.

You would first have to take a train from Hat Yai to Thung Song Junction, spend the night there (as it is not possible to make a same day connection), then take a morning train from Thung Song to Trang.

Travelling by train from Hat Yai to Trang you would cover a distance of 244 km, while the distance from Hat Yai to Trang by road is only around 150 km.

The only reason to travel by train would be because it is cheaper than travelling from Hat Yai to Trang by bus or minivan.

You could do the train trip for a total of 80 Baht (taking 3rd class seats on each sector with an Ordinary train to Thung Song, then the Rapid train to Trang).

Buses and minivans from Hat Yai to Trang cost between 200 and 250 Baht >

The bus or minivan is also much quicker, taking around two, to two and a half hours to get to Trang.

Hat Yai Junction to Thung Song Junction Train Schedule

If you are looking for the timetables in the opposite direction from Trang to Hat Yai click here >

No Dep. Arr. Type
446 06:40 10:52 Ordinary
448 10:58 15:10 Ordinary
170 14:45 18:03 Rapid
172 15:39 19:16 Rapid
42 16:23 18:58 Special Express DRC
38 / 46 18:10 21:29 Special Express
32 18:45 21:57 Special Express

Prices for seats in 3rd class on an Ordinary train cost only 35 Baht.

For a full price list of tickets on these trains:

Visit our Hat Yai to Thung Song train page here >

To find places to stay in Thong Song click here >

Thung Song Junction to Trang Train Schedule

No Dep. Arr. Type
83 06:35 08:05 Express
167 08:55 10:31 Rapid

Tickets for these trains to Trang start from 45 Baht for a 3rd class seat on a Rapid train and from 165 Baht for a 3rd class seat on the Express service.

Alternative Ways to Travel from Hat Yai to Trang by Train and Bus

If you did want to take the train for part of the journey to Trang, your best option is to take a train from Hat Yai to Phatthalung >

From Phatthalung, you can then travel over the scenic mountain road to Trang by bus (60 km).

The only problem with this route is that the bus station in Phatthalung is located a few km out of town along the main highway, so you will have to take a songthaew from the main road through town, or a motorbike taxi from the train station to the bus terminal.

Hat Yai Junction Railway Station information page >

Hat Yai trains main page >

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