Bangkok to Kanchanaburi Train

If you want to travel on the Bangkok to Kanchanaburi train, there are two daily scheduled departures from Thon Buri Railway Station (also known as Bangkok Noi), located on the western side of the Chaopraya River.

The distance from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi by train is 116 km and the scheduled duration of the journey by train is around two and a half hours (but don't expect these services to run on time that often).

Thon Buri to Kanchanaburi Train Timetable

Train Dep Arr Type
257 07:45 10:20 Ordinary
259 13:55 16:19 Ordinary

These trains continue on to the River Kwai Bridge Railway Station, then on to the end of the line at Nam Tok.

Kanchanaburi Railway StationKanchanaburi Railway Station

If you want to know the best ways to get to Thon Buri Railway Station click here >

To check the latest timetables in both directions from the State Railway of Thailand's website:

Click here to visit their timetables page and type in "Thon Buri" - "Kanchanaburi" >

Don't put in Bangkok, as you will get no results as these are for trains from Hua Lamphong Station.

Alternative ways to travel from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi:

Another popular way to get to Kanchanaburi is to take a minivan / minibus from the Southern Bus Terminal.

Or to travel from Khao San Road to Kanchanaburi, there are a couple of companies that offer bus and minivan connections.

To find out departure times and fares:

Visit our bus booking page here and search for "Bangkok" - "Kanchanaburi" >

Seating on Ordinary Trains to Kanchanaburi

These rather, slow and old trains, operate with 3rd class, fan cooled, open window carriages only and can come in many different types - some with cushioned seats in rows or along the edges of the coach, and some with hard wooden seats.

3rd class seats on an Ordinary Bangkok to Kanchanaburi train3rd class seats on an Ordinary Bangkok to Kanchanaburi train

Travelling by 3rd class Ordinary trains can be fun for a while with plenty of vendors selling food and drinks and an assortment of things you never knew you needed when you travel by train.

It is a much nicer and more scenic way to travel than the much faster minivans that ply this route, so if you have never been on an Ordinary train journey in Thailand, this relatively short route from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi is a good way to experience it.

Ticket Prices for the Bangkok to Kanchanaburi Train

Although the published fare for these trains to Kanchanaburi from Bangkok is only 25 Baht, tourists are charged 100 Baht per ticket along this line, for whatever route you travel.

So you will pay 100 Baht from Thon Buri to any station - Kanchanaburi, River Kwai or Nam Tok.

Buying Tickets

As these are Ordinary services, tickets are only sold on the day of travel from Thon Buri Station ticket counter.

Don't worry about the train being full, there will usually be no problem getting a seat, and if there is, there will always be room for standing passengers.

Want to find the best places to stay in Kanchanaburi?

Read reviews, compare room prices and book rooms online here >

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