ETS Silver Trains

ETS Silver Train Services are the slowest of all the classes of Electric Train compared to the Platinum and Gold Services and they currently only operate on one route - between KL Sentral in Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh in Perak state.

Silver Class Trains have numbers beginning with ES.

ETS Silver vs ETS Gold

The difference between the Silver and Gold Services on this route between KL and Ipoh is that the Silver Services stop at all stations between KL and Ipoh, while the Gold Services stop only at the main stations.

The difference in time saved if you where travelling all the way from KL to Ipoh is only ten minutes :

Gold = 2 hours 25 minutes.
Silver = 2 hours 35 minutes.

The difference in adult tickets prices from KL to Ipoh is 10 MYR.

Gold = 35 MYR.
Silver = 25 MYR.

To view the full ETS Train Schedule from Ipoh to KL Sentral click here >

To view the full ETS Train Schedule from KL Sentral to Ipoh click here >

Also, if you want to take the ETS Train to Sungai Buloh, Batang Kali, Kuala Kubu Bharu and Behrang, the Silver Services are the only ones that stop at these stations (although you can also take a KTM Komuter Train to all these stations from Kuala Lumpur- except Behrang).

So if you are on a tight budget the Silver Trains are a good option.

The one drawback is that there are now very few Silver Services a day as most of Electric Train Services (ETS) are now Gold Services, with a an ever increasing number of Platinum Services.

Because the Silver Services are the cheapest way to travel from KL to Perak, at busy times of the year they can be fully booked well in advance, so you should pre-book your seats as soon as you know your travel dates to make sure you can get a seat.

To book your tickets online for any KTM Train service click here >

Silver ETS Class Trains are currently using the older style Electric Trains and are usually made up of 6 carriages / coaches labelled A, B, C, D, E and F.

Each carriage can have up to 19 rows of seats with 4 seats in each row, 2 seats either side of a central aisle.

So for example :

Seat 8a and 8b are together - 8a is the window seat - 8b the aisle seat.

Seat 8c and 8d are together - 8c is the aisle seat - 8d the window seat

Train Seats on a typical ETS Silver ServiceTrain Seats on a typical ETS Silver Service

ETS Gold Class Trains >

ETS Platinum Class Trains >

ETS Trains in Malaysia main page >