KTM ETS Electric Train Service
from Ipoh to KL Sentral Kuala Lumpur

The fastest way to travel from Ipoh to Kuala Lumpur is on the (ETS) Electric Train Service from Ipoh to KL Sentral station.

ETS Trains from Ipoh to KL run frequently throughout the day, every day of the week.

Below you will find the timetable for this specific route for the southbound (ke seletan) ETS train route from Ipoh to KL Sentral Railway Station.

If you want to see all the trains (including long-distance trains) the operate from Ipoh to KLS click here >

ETS Timetable Ipoh to Kuala Lumpur (Jadual)

ETS Ipoh to Kuala Lumpur Train Timetable (Jadual Perjalanan ETS Terbaru):

New train timetable from the 15th of January 2022 (2022-01-15):

To see the schedule for trains in the opposite direction from KL to Ipoh click here >

New full ETS timetable from 1st August 2024 >

Train No ES 9051 EG 9025 EG 9027 EG 9029 EG 9035
Operating Days All All All All All
Ipoh 05:10 08:22 12:02 15:30 18:35
Batu Gajah 05:23 08:34 12:14 15:42 18:47
Kampar 05:36 08:47 12:27 15:55 19:00
Tapah Road 05:46 08:57 12:37 16:05 19:10
Sungkai 05:58 09:09 12:49 16:17 19:22
Slim River 06:11 09:22 13:02 16:30 19:35
Tanjung Malim 06:25 09:36 13:16 16:44 19:49
Kuala Kubu Bharu 06:38 - - - -
Batang Kali 06:45 - - - -
Rawang 07:03 10:12 13:52 17:20 20:25
Sungai Buloh 07:19 10:28 14:08 17:36 20:41
Kepong Sentral 07:27 10:36 14:16 17:44 20:49
Kuala Lumpur (Old) 07:45 10:54 14:34 18:02 21:07
KL Sentral 07:51 11:00 14:40 18:08 21:13

For all the latest ETS train fares from Ipoh click here >

Ipoh to KL trains not shown in the above timetable are the long distance services from Padang Besar to KL / Gemas and Butterworth to Kuala Lumpur route.

To view the full timetable for the newer ETS trains between Pdg.Besar - Penang - Ipoh - KL -Gemas click here >

EG numbered trains are ETS Gold Services.

ES numbered trains are ETS Silver Services.

EP numbered trains are ETS Platinum Services.

For information about Ipoh Railway Station click here >

Ipoh to KLIA by Train

If you want to travel by train from Ipoh to KLIA / KLIA2 - Kuala Lumpur International Airport, take any of the above services and once you arrive at KL Sentral Railway Station, follow the signs to the KLIA Ekspres Trains.

These services leave from the early morning until late at night and will get you to the airport terminals in 28 to 35 minutes.

ETS Fares for the Electric Train Service from Ipoh to KL Sentral

Tickets on the Electric Train Service from Ipoh to KL Sentral cost :

Silver Service:

Adult 25 MYR - Child 17 MYR

Gold Service:

Adult 36 MYR - Child 22 MYR

Platinum Service (Long Distance ETS Services Only):

Adult 46 MYR - Child 27 MYR

Booking ETS Tickets

To book these Electric train services, you can book them from the station on the day of travel if there are seats available, however, we would recommend you make an advance booking as often ETS Trains can be full.

Train tickets from Ipoh to KL go on sale anywhere from a few weeks, to a few months in advance (depending on when KTM release the seats and if there is a new timetable planned).

You can easily buy tickets in advance online through the KTM website (now the cheapest option) or by using an online ticket agent:

Related Pages you may also be interested in:

ETS Fares page

ETS KL to Ipoh

ETS Batu Gajah

Ipoh trains main page >

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