Hua Hin to Bang Sue
Train Timetables, Ticket Prices

If you want to travel from Hua Hin to Bangkok, most trains now terminate at the new railway terminal in Bangkok, Bang Sue Grand (Krung Thep Aphiwat Central Terminal).

Hua Hin to Bang Sue Grand Train Schedule

Train Depart Arrive Type Fare
42 / 44 00:14 03:45 Sp. Ex. DRC Fare>
168 01:26 05:10 Rap Fare>
86 02:20 06:10 Ex. Fare>
84 03:07 07:05 Ex. Fare>
172 03:51 07:30 Rap Fare>
32 04:27 08:10 Sp. Ex. Fare>
38 / 46 05:17 09:05 Sp. Ex. Fare>
170 06:40 10:50 Rap Fare>
40 14:36 18:05 Sp. Ex. DRC Fare>

To view the train schedule in the opposite direction from Bang Sue Grand to Hua Hin click here >

Timetable Notes:
Ord = Ordinary Train
Rap = Rapid
Ex. = Express
Sp. Ex. = Special Express
Sp. Ex. DRC = Special Express Diesel Railcar - (Sprinter Train)

To find connecting trains from Bang Sue Junction to all destinations:

Please see the SRT's official website timetables page here >

Ticket Prices for the Hua Hin to Bang Sue Train

Train fares to Bang Sue from Hua Hin:

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Special Express DRC:

2nd class a/c seats: Adult 410 THB - Child 360 THB

Special Express:

3rd class fan seats: Adult 234 THB - Child 212 THB
2nd class fan seats: Adult 290 THB - Child 240 THB

2nd class a/c day and night coaches:
Adult from 550 THB - Child from 500 THB

1st class a/c day and night coaches:
Adult from 818 THB - Child from 719 THB

Train 32 operates with the new Chinese made coaches (CNR) and is more expensive:

2nd class a/c day and night coaches:
Adult from 700 THB - Child from 650 THB

1st class a/c day and night coaches:
Adult from 998 THB - Child from 899 THB


3rd class fan seats: Adult 194 THB - Child 172 THB
2nd class fan seats: Adult 250 THB - Child 200 THB

2nd class a/c day and night coaches:
Adult from 510 THB - Child from 460 THB

1st class a/c day and night coaches:
Adult from 778 THB - Child from 679 THB


3rd class fan seats: Adult 94 THB - Child 72 THB
2nd class fan seats: Adult 150 THB - Child 100 THB

2nd class a/c day and night coaches:
Adult from 410 THB - Child from 360 THB

2nd class fan day and night coaches:
Adult from 280 THB - Child from 230 THB


3rd class fan seats: Adult 44 THB - Child 22 THB

Booking Tickets

Seats on the Ordinary and Rapid 3rd and 2nd class fan coaches can be booked on the day of departure.

All other tickets should be booked in advance to make sure you can get a seat.

To book in advance, just visit any SRT station or book online >

Bang Sue Junction Railway Station main page >

Hua Hin Railway Station main page >

Trains from Hua Hin main page >

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