Kajang to KLCC MRT, LRT, KTM Train Timetable (Jadual) Fare

If you want to get from Kajang to KLCC by train, you have the option of taking the MRT train and connecting to the LRT or you can take the KTM Komuter to KL Sentral and connect to the LRT from there.

KLCC LRT station is a popular destination for visitors as it is very close to the Petronas Twin Towers and Suria KLCC Mall.

The integrated railway station at Kajang has both RapidKL MRT services on the SBK Line as well as Malaysia Railways (KTM Berhad) Komuter and long-distance ETS trains.

KLCC station is served by LRT trains on the Kelana Jaya Line.

MRT / LRT Train to KLCC from Kajang Station

(Keretapi MRT / LRT ke KLCC dari Stesen Kajang)

The quickest way to get to KLCC from Kajang by train is to take the MRT train to Pasar Seni integrated station, then change onto the Kelana Jaya LRT Line from Pasar Seni to KLCC.

a train on the Kajang MRT route laluanA train on the Kajang MRT route (laluan)

The duration of the journey from Kajang to Pasar Seni is approximately 38 minutes and stops at 17 stations along the MRT route.

From Pasar Seni to KLCC on the LRT train, the journey takes approximately 8 minutes and stops 4 times.

Another advantage of taking the MRT train from Kajang rather than the KTM Komuter train is that departures for MRT trains are far more frequent than they are for Komuter trains.

KTM / LRT Train to KLCC from Kajang

(Keretapi KTM / LRT ke KLCC dari Kajang)

Taking the older KTM commuter route is slower than travel by MRT train and departures are far less frequent.

However, if you do want to travel this way for any reason, here is the route you take:

Take the KTM Komuter (commuter) train from Kajang to KL Sentral station (approximately 35 to 40 minutes journey time - 6 stops).

Then take the Kelana Jaya LRT train heading in the direction of Gombak from KL Sentral station to KLCC (approximately 11 minutes journey time - 5 stops).

MRT Kajang to KLCC Fare / Ticket Price

(Tambang / Harga Ticket MRT Kajang ke KLCC)

The MRT fare to KLCC LRT station from Kajang is 6.30 RM / MYR (Cash Price / Harga Tunai).

Ticket are available as tokens from vending machines at Kajang MRT station.

If you go by KTM / LRT you have to buy two separate tickets.

The KTM fare from Kajang to KL Sentral is 4.20 RM / MYR (Cash Price).

The LRT fare from KL Sentral to KLCC is 2.40 RM / MYR (Cash Price).

Kajang MRT Operating Hours / Times

(Jadual / Waktu Operasi MRT Kajang)

You will never have to wait long for an MRT train from Kajang during their operating hours.

MRT Train Frequency:

MRT trains depart from Kajang between every 4 minutes to every 15 minutes (depending on the time of day).

The first MRT train departs from Kajang is at 06:00.

The last MRT train heading into the city centre from Kajang is at 23:30 from Monday to Saturday and at 23:00 on Sunday and public holidays.

All times for trains shown on this page are for information only and may change without notice. To confirm any departure from Kajang by MRT train you should visit the official RapidKL (MyRapid) website by clicking on the link below:

MyRapid official website >

Related Pages:

Kajang MRT trains >

Kajang KTM trains >

MRT from Kajang to TBS bus station >

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