KL Sentral to Pasar Seni LRT Train Schedule (Jadual) & Price

If you want to get from Kuala Lumpur Sentral station to Chinatown by train you can take the LRT from KL Sentral to Pasar Seni station, located just one stop down the line on the Kelana Jaya LRT Route (Laluan Kelana Jaya).

It is also a good route to take if you want to visit the old KTM Kuala Lumpur railway station as Pasar Seni is now connected to the old station by a 102-metre pedestrian bridge.

You want to take an LRT train heading in the direction of Gombak and the duration of the journey to Pasar Seni station from KL Sentral station is approximately 3 minutes.

For how to travel in the opposite direction from Pasar Seni to Kuala Lumpur Sentral station click here >

LRT Ticket Price to Pasar Seni from KL Sentral

(Harga Tiket LRT ke Pasar Seni dari KL Sentral)

The LRT fare (tambang) from KL Sentral to Pasar Seni is:

Cash Price = 2.30 MYR / RM

Cashless = 2.20 MYR / RM

Concession = 0.60 MYR / RM

If you don't have one of Rapid KL's Touch N' Go prepaid cards you can pay for your ticket by using one of the RapidKL vending machines and will be given a token which acts as your ticket and lets you pass through the gates to/from the station platform.

For a full list of LRT cash price fares from KL Sentral station click here >

KL Sentral to Pasar Seni LRT Timetable

(Jadual LRT KL Sentral ke Pasar Seni)

LRT trains on the Kelana Jaya Line are so frequent you will never have to wait long for the next train during operating hours.

Train frequency:

LRT trains depart every 3 minutes during the peak rush hours to every 14 minutes during the late evening.

For more detailed information on the LRT train schedule from KL Sentral station:

See our Kuala Lumpur Sentral LRT timetable page here >

Operating Hours (Waktu Operasi):

The first LRT train in the morning departs from KL Sentral station is at 06:00.

The last train from KL Sentral to Pasar Seni departs at:

00:12 from Mondays to Saturday.

23:42 on Sunday and public holidays.

The above schedule information and 1st/last train times were correct at the time of publication but may change due to operational reasons without notice.

To check for any changes to the LRT schedule you should visit the MyRapid official website by clicking here >

Carriage on an LRT train from KL to Pasar SeniCarriage on an LRT train from KL to Pasar Seni

Related Pages:

How to get from KL Sentral to KLCC (Petronas Twin Towers) by LRT train >

How to get from KL Sentral to Masjid Jamek >

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