KL Sentral to Putra Heights LRT Train Timetable & Price

The best way to get from KL Sentral to Putra Heights is to take a regular LRT train on the Kelana Jaya Line (Laluan) operated by Rapid KL.

The duration of the journey to Putra Heights from KL Sentral by LRT train on the Kelana Jaya Line is approximately 53 minutes.

You can also reach Putra Heights LRT station using the Sri Petaling LRT Line but from KL Sentral station this is a longer and less direct route as you would first have to take either an LRT train to Masjid Jamek or a Monorail train to Hang Tuah to connect to the Sri Petaling Line.

So it is best to stick with travelling directly on the Kelana Jaya Line.

LRT trains on the Kelana Jaya Line to Putra Heights from KL Sentral stop at the following stations along the route:

  • KL Sentral
  • Bangsar
  • Abdullah Hukum
  • Kerinchi
  • Universiti
  • Taman Jaya
  • Asia Jaya
  • Taman Paramount
  • Taman Bahagia
  • Kelana Jaya
  • Lembah Subang
  • Ara Damansara
  • Glenmarie
  • Subang Jaya
  • SS 15
  • SS 18
  • USJ 7
  • Taipan
  • Wawasan
  • USJ 21
  • Alam Megah
  • Subang Alam
  • Putra Heights

KL Sentral to Putra Heights LRT Fare / Ticket Price

(Harga Tiket / Tambang LRT KL sentral ke Putra Heights)

The train fare using the LRT to Putra Heights from KL Sentral is 4.10 MYR / RM (Cash Price).

The cash price is the fare you pay if you just turn up at KL Sentral station and buy your tickets on the day of travel.

Tickets are purchased from vending machines at the station and you will be given a Token rather than a ticket.

Rapid KL offers discounts for travelling using a prepaid card.

These Touch N' Go cards are available from the Rapid KL Customer Service Office at KL Sentral.

For more information about discount travel cards and all LRT fares from KL, visit our:

KL Sentral LRT fares page here >

Carriage on an LRT train from KL to Putra HeightsCarriage on an LRT train from KL to Putra Heights

LRT Timetable / Operating Hours to Putra Heights from KL Sentral

(Jadual / Waktu Operasi LRT ke Putra Heights dari KL Sentral)

The first LRT trains depart from KL Sentral at 06:00 (6 am) in the morning and run frequently throughout the day until the last train from KL Sentral to Putra Heights at around midnight (slightly earlier on Sundays and public holidays).

The frequency of departures depends on the time of day you are travelling in with services running from every 3 minutes during the morning and afternoon rush hours to every 14 minutes late in the evening (there are slightly less frequent trains at weekends and public holidays).

If you want to see the LRT train timetable from KL Sentral click here >

For exact departure times, first / last trains you can:

Visit the official MyRapid website here >

Related pages:

KL Sentral MRT trains >

KL Sentral ETS / KTM Komuter trains >

KL Sentral to TBS >

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