KL Sentral to TBS Bus Station Train Schedule (Jadual)

If you want to travel from Kuala Lumpur to Terminal Bersepadu Selatan (TBS Bus Station), the KTM KL Sentral to TBS Komuter train to Bandar Tasik Selatan station (connected to the bus terminal) is one of the best ways to get there, with regular, cheap services departing from the early morning until the late evening.

Other options include taking the ERL KLIA Transit.

Or the LRT train.

KTM Komuter Timetable from KL Sentral Station to TBS

(Jadual Waktu Komuter KTM dari Stesen KL Sentral ke TBS)

For the Komuter schedule in the opposite direction from BTS / TBS  to KL click here >

The duration of the trip to TBS from KL is approximately 16 minutes, with Bandar Tasik Selatan station the fourth stop along the line.

To see the latest full timetables for these commuter trains see the following link:

To find Komuter train ticket prices from KL to TBS click here >

Inside a KTM Komuter train to TBS from KL SentralInside a KTM Komuter train to TBS from KL Sentral

Want to book your bus tickets before you arrive at TBS?
Visit our online bus booking page here >

KTM KL Sentral to Bandar Tasik Selatan / TBS Komuter Ticket Price

(Harga Tiket Komuter KTM KL Sentral ke TBS / Bandar Tasik Selatan)

The cash price for the Komuter train from KL to BTS / TBS is 2.40 MYR

Tickets are only available on the day of travel, so just head to the Komuter ticket counter, buy your ticket and take the next available train.

KLIA Transit Train from KL Sentral to TBS

(Keretapi Transit KLIA dari KL Sentral ke TBS)

Another, more expensive, but quicker option for travel from KL Sentral to TBS Bus Terminal is to take one of the KLIA Transit trains (ERL) that travel out to Kuala Lumpur Airport (KUL).

These trains take just 10 minutes to reach Bandar Tasik Selatan station (it is the first stop).

These airport transit trains depart every 15 minutes during rush hours and every 30 minutes at other times.

The fare (tambang) for these services to TBS is currently 6.50 MYR.

To see the latest timetables:

Please visit the KLIA Express / Transit website and use the "View KLIA Transit Schedule" link >

KLIA Transit train at TBS stationKLIA Transit train at TBS station

Other Ways to Travel from Kuala Lumpur City Centre to TBS

LRT trains are by far the most frequent trains heading to TBS / BTS.

Although the route is quite a bit longer, due to the fact trains depart every 3 minutes during the peak hours, they are a popular way to get to TBS Bus Station.

For more about travelling to TBS from KL Sentral by LRT train click here >

Using Kuala Lumpur's Light Rail Transit (LRT) is also another good option for travel from KL to TBS, especially if you are not staying anywhere near KL Sentral Station.

The LRT train network covers a large area of the city, with the Sri Petaling Line / Route (laluan) having a stop at Bandar Tasik Selatan station.

For more information on LRT trains in KL, please visit the link below where you can view route maps and timetables for these city trains.

TBS LRT trains page >

Inside a carriage on an LRT train from TBSInside a carriage on an LRT train from TBS

Related Pages:

KTM KL Sentral Trains main page >

KTM Komuter Timetables main page >

KTM KL Sentral to Salak Selatan >

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