KTM Komuter Butterworth to Sungai Petani
Train Schedule (Jadual)

Now that the KTM Komuter Utara route between Butterworth and Padang Besar is operating at regular intervals from early morning to the evening, taking the KTM Komuter from Butterworth to Sungai Petani is easily the best way to travel from Penang to Sg. Petani.

Butterworth to Sungai Petani Komuter Train Schedule (Jadual)

Latest BTW to SP commuter timetable:

If you want to travel in the other direction click here to see the timetable from Sungai Petani >

Commuter trains start running from the very early morning with the first train from Butterworth to Sungai Petani departing before sunrise.

After that, trains depart every hour during the busiest times of day and every two hours at other times, with the last train leaving Butterworth for Sg. Petani in the middle of the evening.

The trip to SP has a duration of just 34 minutes, making it much faster than the Rapid Penang buses from Butterworth to Sungai Petani that also operate on this route, stopping to pick passengers up at many bus stops along the way..

The other good news is that it is very cheap.

So if you want to travel from Penang to Sungai Petani, the commuter train is by far the best option.

The railway station in Sungai Petani is located right in the centre of town (very close to the bus station).

For information on Sungai Petani Railway Station click here >

To get to Butterworth station from Penang Island is easy, with regular ferry boats leaving from Georgetown throughout the day.

The trip takes about 15 - 20 minutes, then its a few minutes walk to the train station.

For information on the Railway Station in Butterworth click here >

For information on the Penang to Butterworth ferry click here >

KTM Komuter Butterworth to Sungai Petani Train Fares

Ticket prices for this short commuter train journey cost only 3.60 MYR (cash fare).

Buying Tickets for Komuter Trains

All Komuter train tickets are only sold on the day of travel.

There is no advance booking available or necessary.

Tickets can be purchased from the Butterworth Station ticket counter - you cannot buy then from the KTM office at the jetty in Georgetown.

Butterworth Trains main page >

KTM Komuter Trains main page >

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