Nakhon Pathom to Hua Hin Train Timetables, Ticket Prices

See the schedule and fares for the Nakhon Pathom to Hua Hin train, with many options to choose, from the cheapest (but often delayed) Ordinary trains, to the fast 1st and 2nd Class Special Express services.

Train to Hua Hin

Train Schedule from Nakhon Pathom to Hua Hin

For the train in the opposite direction from Hua Hin click here >

To see the latest SRT train timetable from Nakhon Pathom to Hua Hin, click on the timetable link below:

3rd Class seats on a Nakhon Pathom to Hua Hin train3rd Class seats on a Nakhon Pathom to Hua Hin train
2nd Class A/C seats on a train to Hua Hin2nd Class A/C seats on a train to Hua Hin

Ticket Prices for the Nakhon Pathom to Hua Hin Train

Ticket prices vary considerably, depending on the type, class and if the carrriage has air-conditioning.

Ordinary trains:

These are the cheapest trains to take with only fan cooled coaches.

3rd Class seats cost:
Adult 33 Baht - Child 17 Baht

2nd Class seat (train 255 only):
Adult 76 THB - Child 36 THB

Rapid trains are another cheap option:

3rd Class (fan):
Adult 83 Baht - Child 67 Baht

2nd Class (fan):
Adult 126 Baht - Child 88 Baht

2nd Class Day and Night coach (fan):
Adult from 256 Baht - Child from 218 Baht

2nd Class Day and Night coach (A/C):
Adult from 386 Baht - Child from 348 Baht


3rd Class (fan):
Adult 183 Baht - Child 167 Baht

2nd Class (fan):
Adult 226 Baht - Child 188 Baht

2nd Class Day and Night coach (A/C):
Adult from 486 Baht - Child from 448 Baht

1st Class Day and Night coach (A/C):
Adult from 729 Baht - Child from 655 Baht

Special Express:

3rd Class (fan):
Adult 223 Baht - Child 207 Baht

2nd Class (fan):
Adult 266 Baht - Child 228 Baht

2nd Class Day and Night coach (A/C):
Adult from 526 Baht - Child from 488 Baht

1st Class Day and Night coach (A/C):
Adult from 769 Baht - Child from 695 Baht

Train 32 operates with the new Chinese made coaches and is more expensive:
2nd Class:
Adult from 676 Baht - Child from 638 Baht
1st Class:
Adult from 948 Baht - Child from 875 Baht

Special Express DRC (A/C):

2nd Class:
Adult 386 Baht - Child 348 Baht

Ticket prices for DRC trains include a meal and soft drinks.

Booking Train Tickets to Hua Hin

If you want to travel in the fan cooled 3rd and 2nd class coaches, you should have no problem booking your seats on the day of travel.

2nd and 1st class tickets are often harder to get on the day, so you might want to book the day before if you are staying in Nakhon Pathom for the night, or you can:

Book tickets online >

For information about the the railway station in Hua Hin click on the picture link below:

Hua Hin Railway Station information >

Hua Hin trains main page >

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