Sungai Buloh to Rawang KTM Komuter Train Schedule (Jadual) & Fare

The easiest and cheapest way to get from Sungai Buloh to Rawang is to take a KTM Komuter (commuter) train operated by Malaysian Railways Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad who run regular services on their Komuter route (laluan) from Port Klang to Tanjung Malim.

The duration of the journey by Komuter train from Sg Buloh to Rawang is approximately 19 minutes.

For travel in the opposite direction from Rawang to Sg Buloh click here >

KTM Komuter train on the Rawang RouteKTM Komuter train on the Rawang Route (Laluan)

KTM Sungai Buloh to KTM Rawang Komuter Timetable

(Jadual Waktu Komuter KTM Sungai Buloh ke Rawang)

To see the full train schedule to KTM Rawang station, click on the timetable link below:

To see the full KTM Komuter timetable in the other direction from Rawang, please see:

our Tg Malim to Port Klang timetable page here >

Please note: You can also take a more expensive ETS train on this short trip.

To see the ETS train schedule from Sungai Buloh click here >

If you want to check departures times or for the latest information along this KTM Komuter route you can:

Visit the official KTMB websites Komuter Trains page here >

The train trip to Rawang from Sungai Buloh integrated railway station stops at the following stations along this Komuter Line:

Please note: The KTM Komuter line between KL and Sungai Buloh is currently undergoing upgrading work and there are only a few Komuter services still running.

To get from KL city centre to Sungai Buloh you can also take the MRT train from Muzium Negara MRT station which is located just a few minutes walk away from KL Sentral station.

For more information on how to get from KL to Sungai Buloh click here >

KTM Komuter Ticket Price from Sungai Buloh to Rawang

(Harga Tiket KTM dari Sungai Buloh ke Rawang)

The KTM Komuter fare (tambang) to Rawang from Sungai Buloh is 2.70 MYR (cash price).

Tickets for these trains are only sold on the day of departure from the station ticket counter.

Related Pages:

KTM Sg. Buloh trains page >

KTM Rawang trains page >

See all Komuter train timetables in Malaysia >

Other Komuter train routes on this line:

KL Sentral to Sungai Buloh KTM trains >

KL Sentral to Tg. Malim KTM trains >

Sungai Buloh to Serendah KTM trains >

Sungai Buloh to Batang Kali KTM trains >

Sungai Buloh to KKB KTM trains >

Sungai Buloh to Tanjung Malim KTM trains >

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