Hua Hin Surat Thani
Train Timetables and Ticket Prices

If you are looking to travel to or from Hua Hin to Koh Samui or Koh Phangan it is possible to take one of many Hua Hin Surat Thani Train services and then connect by bus from the station to the ferry terminals and a range of boats and high speed ferries that take you out to the islands.

Distance from Hua Hin to Surat Thani by train is 422 Km

Schedule of Trains from Hua Hin to Surat Thani

For the train in the other direction from Surat Thani see below here >

To see the latest SRT train timetable from Hua Hin to Surat Thani, click on the timetable link below:

If you want to make an advance booking for transfers from Surat Thani Train Station and the Ferry to Koh Samui:

Visit our online bus / ferry booking page here >

You can also buy bus + ferry joint tickets directly from Hua Hin to Koh Samui if you decide you don't want to take the train.

Schedule of Trains from Surat Thani to Hua Hin

To see the latest SRT train timetable from Surat Thani to Hua Hin, click here >

For arrival information at Hua Hin:

Visit our Hua Hin Train Station page here >

Ticket Prices

Train fares shown below are for one-way adult tickets.

Special Express Diesel Railcars are the fastest trains and consist of just two or three carriages of second class seats. Tickets cost 490 THB and include a soft drink and light meal.

Special Express Trains offer a range of classes and sleeping beds / berths.

First Class Air-condition Beds/Seat
Upper berth 989 THB
Lower berth 1,189 THB

Second Class Air-conditioned Beds/Seat
Upper berth 640 THB
Lower berth 710 THB

Second Class Fan Seat 360 THB
Third Class Fan Seat 264 THB

*please note trains 35 and 36 the "International Express" have only 1st and 2nd class sleepers available and the 2nd class beds are slightly more expensive than other Special Express service at 660 (upper) / 750 (lower).

Express Trains

First Class Air-condition Beds/Seat
Upper berth 949 THB
Lower berth 1,149 THB

Second Class Air-conditioned Beds/Seat
Upper berth 600 THB
Lower berth 670 THB 

Second Class Fan Seat 320 THB
Third Class Fan Seat 235 THB

Rapid Trains have no first class, but a choice of A/C or Fan sleepers available.

Second Class Air-conditioned Beds/Seat
Upper berth 560 THB
Lower berth 630 THB

Second Class Fan Beds/Seat
Upper berth 380 THB
Lower berth 430 THB

Second Class Fan Seat 280 THB
Third Class Fan Seat 195 THB

Child Fares
Ticket for children aged 3 to 11 offer a discount to the above prices shown. Please deduct the following amount from the prices above depending on the class you wish to travel in. Children under three travel for free.
1st Class -174 Baht
2nd Class -85 Baht
3rd Class -37 Baht

Hua Hin Trains main page >>>

Surat Thani Trains main page >>>

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