Hua Hin to Ayutthaya Train

It is possible to travel from Hua Hin to Ayutthaya by train if you take the train to Bang Sue Grand. From there you can then change trains for services to Ayutthaya.

Seats on a Hua Hin to Ayutthaya TrainSeats on a cheap Hua Hin to Ayutthaya Train

How to get from Hua Hin to Ayutthaya by Train

The first step of your journey is to take a Bangkok bound service, then get off at Bang Sue.

Here is the current timetable for trains from Hua Hin to Bang Sue Junction:

Train Depart Arrive Type Fare
42 / 44 00:14 03:45 Sp. Ex. DRC Fare>
168 01:26 05:10 Rap Fare>
86 02:20 06:10 Ex. Fare>
84 03:07 07:05 Ex. Fare>
172 03:51 07:30 Rap Fare>
32 04:27 08:10 Sp. Ex. Fare>
38 / 46 05:17 09:05 Sp. Ex. Fare>
170 06:40 10:50 Rap Fare>
40 14:36 18:05 Sp. Ex. DRC Fare>

If you want to see the full ticket price list for all these trains:

Please see the end of our Hua Hin to Bang Sue trains page here >

Once you arrive at Bang Sue, there are a number of trains a day that travel from here to Ayutthaya.

Here is the latest timetable for trains from Bang Sue Grand to Ayutthaya:

Train Departs Arrives Type
21 06:10 06:58 Special Express DRC
135 07:10 08:27 Rapid
111 07:30 08:37 Rapid
75 08:40 09:41 Express
7 09:05 09:54 Special Express DRC
71 10:35 11:30 Express
109 14:15 15:17 Rapid
9 18:40 19:44 Special Express
139 19:25 20:25 Rapid
13 20:05 21:06 Special Express
25 20:25 21:38 Express
107 20:45 21:47 Rapid
23 21.05 22.01 Express
133 21:25 22:29 Rapid
51 22:30 23:35 Express
141 23:05 00:16 Rapid

If you are travelling on a budget: avoid the Express and Special Express trains as these are quite expensive for short distances.

Please note: The new Bang Sue Grand and the old Bang Sue Junction are on different lines. All the cheaper Ordinary trains that operate to Ayutthaya from Hua Lamphong stop at Bang Sue Junction station only.

For the timetable from Hua Lamphong to Ayutthaya click here >

For ticket prices for all these services:

Please see the end of our Bang Sue to Ayutthaya train page here >

For information on arriving at Ayuttaya station, click on the picture link below:

Booking Tickets for the Hua Hin to Ayutthaya Train

You will only need to book advance tickets for the first sector from Hua Hin to Bang Sue (if you want to travel in 2nd / 1st class Air-con carriages).

To book tickets online click here >

For 3rd / 2nd class fan carriages, you get your tickets on the day of departure.

You can buy your tickets for the sector from Bang Sue to Ayutthaya once you arrive at Bang Sue (in case of delays).

More information:

Ayutthaya Railway Station main page >

Bang Sue Junction Railway Station main page >

Hua Hin Railway Station main page >

Hua Hin trains main page >

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