KTM Kuala Lumpur to KL Sentral Komuter Schedule (Jadual) Price (Harga Tiket)

The KTM Kuala Lumpur to KL Sentral train service is operated by Malaysia Railways (Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad) and can take you from the old KL railway station (Terminal KTM) to the newer, main transport hub of the city.

The duration of the train journey using KTM Komuter (commuter) trains is approximately just 4 minutes.

KTM Kuala Lumpur to KL Sentral Komuter Timetable

(Jadual Waktu Komuter KTM Kuala Lumpur ke KL Sentral)

To see the latest schedule for KTM Komuter train services on the route to KL Sentral, click on the timetable link below:

If you want to take the train in the opposite direction from KTM KL Sentral to KTM Kuala Lumpur, you can see the train timetable here >

Another alternative way to get from Kuala Lumpur old station to KL Sentral station by train is to take a short walk to the nearby Pasar Seni LRT railway station (you can get there in just a few minutes via a new pedestrian bridge that crosses the Klang River).

From Pasar Seni LRT station to KL Sentral, you can then take a quick train ride on the Kelana Jaya LRT Line to KL Sentral (take a train heading in the direction of Putra Heights).

The advantage of travelling this way is that LRT trains are much more frequent than KTM Komuter trains, with departures every few minutes during the daytime.

KTM Komuter train to KL Sentral from Kuala LumpurPicture of a KTM Komuter train to KL Sentral from Kuala Lumpur station

KTM Komuter Ticket Price to KL Sentral from Kuala Lumpur

(Harga Tiket KTM ke KL Sentral dari Kuala Lumpur)

The train fare (tambang) for the KTM Komuter to KL Sentral from KTM Kuala Lumpur is 1.20 MYR (Cash Price).

If you would like to see all the cash price Komuter train fares to/from KL Sentral click here >

Times and fares published on our site are for information and planning purposes only and may change without notice due to operational reasons.

If you would like to check commuter train departure times before travelling, you would recommend you to visit the official KTMB (Malaysian Railways) website by clicking here >

Related Pages:

KTM Kuala Lumpur trains page >

KTM KL Sentral trains page >

All KTM Komuter (commuter) train timetables in Malaysia >

Other KTM Komuter trains on this route:

KTM Kuala Lumpur to Batu Caves >

KTM KL Sentral to Batu Caves >

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