KTM Wakaf Bharu to Gua Musang Jadual (Train Schedule)

The KTM Wakaf Bharu to Gua Musang train service is an easy and cheap way to travel from Kota Bharu to Gua Musang.

There are two types of train services to Gua Musang:

The cheap but slower Shuttle train services (SH numbered trains in the timetable below).

Or the faster Ekspres Rakyat Timuran (Eastern People's Express) Intercity train (ERT numbered train in the timetable below).

Both types of train services on this route are operated by Malaysia Railways, Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB / KTM).

The duration of the train journey from Wakaf Bharu to Gua Musang is between four and a half hours for the fast Intercity train (ERT) - up to over six hours for the slowest of the Shuttle (SH) trains.

KTM Train Timetable from Wakaf Bharu to Gua Musang

(Jadual Keretapi KTM Wakaf Bharu ke Gua Musang)

To see the full KTM Berhad train timetable in the other direction from Gua Musang to Wakaf Bharu click here >

KTM train timetable valid for 2024:

Train Number Departs Wakaf Bharu Arrives Gua Musang Book Online
SH 51 04:25 09:55 Book Tickets
SH 53 07:20 12:29 Book Tickets
SH 57 16:21 22:33 Book Tickets
ERT 27 20:47 01:23 Book Tickets

If you would like to see the full KTM train timetable (jadual kereta api) showing all the stations / stops on the East Coast Route (Laluan), click on the timetable link below:

The Jungle Line in Malaysia can often be disrupted by floods and/or by work on the tracks. If you wish to travel on this route we would suggest you visit the official KTM Berhad website to see if there are any changes to the schedule:

Visit the official KTMB.com.my website by clicking here >

KTM Wakaf Bharu to Gua Musang Train Ticket Price / Fare

(Tambang / Harga Tiket Keretapi KTM Wakaf Bharu ke Gua Musang)

Tickets for the train from KTM Wakaf Bharu to KTM Gua Musang cost:

Shuttle Train Services (SH numbered trains) 8 MYR.

Intercity Train Service (ERT numbered train) 21 MYR.

Buy Train Tickets to Gua Musang from Wakaf Bharu

(Beli Tiket Keretapi ke Gua Musang dari Wakaf Bharu)

You can book your train tickets for all these trains to Gua Musang online.

If you plan to travel by the Intercity train (ERT), we would always recommend you book your tickets as far in advance as possible as this train can often be fully booked during busy periods of the year.

For the Shuttle trains, you can usually just turn up on the day of travel an buy your tickets from the ticket counter or you can also now book online.

Related pages:

KTM Wakaf Bharu (Kota Bharu) trains page >

KTM Gua Musang trains page >

KTMB Intercity (Antarabandar) trains in Malaysia >

KTMB ETS trains in Malaysia >

KTM Wakaf Bharu to Dabong trains >

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