On this page you can find details of the KTMB Train from Johor Bahru to Segamat and from Segamat to JB, with timetables and fares for all trains in both directions.
From May 2016 and the cancellation of all long distance Intercity Trains on the N - S Line, there are now four train services a day between JB and Segamat in either direction.
For alternative transport by bus between JB and Segamat:
Visit our online bus booking page here >
(Jadual Keretapi KTM dari JB Sentral Johor Bahru ke Segamat)
KTM Timetable for 2024:
Train Number | Departs JB Sentral | Arrives Segamat | Book Online |
ES 42 | 08:30 | 12:40 | Book Tickets |
ES 44 | 14:40 | 18:32 | Book Tickets |
ES 46 | 18:05 | 22:13 | Book Tickets |
ERT 26 | 20:25 | 00:31 | Book Tickets |
All trains services operate daily.
To view the full timetables for these service, click here >
(Jadual Keretapi KTM dari Segamat ke Stesen Sentral JB Johor Bahru)
KTM Timetable for 2024:
Train Number | Departs Segamat | Arrives JB Sentral | Book Online |
ES 41 | 02:36 | 06:25 | Book Tickets |
ERT 27 | 08:21 | 12:30 | Book Tickets |
ES 43 | 10:06 | 14:15 | Book Tickets |
ES 45 | 15:56 | 19:45 | Book Tickets |
All trains services operate daily.
To view the full timetables for these services click here >
(Tambang / Harga Tiket Keretapi KTM dari Johor Bahru ke Segamat (JB Sentral - Segamat))
One way fares in either direction are:
1st Class Seat (Premier Class): No longer available
2nd Class Seat (Superior Class): Adult 20 MYR - Child 14 MYR
2nd Class Superior Night Class:
Upper - Adult 26 MYR / Child 20 MYR
Lower - Adult 32 MYR / Child 26 MYR
3rd Class Seat (Economy Class): No longer available
Seat Classes available on these trains:
Shuttle Trains: 2nd Class Seats
Express Trains 26 / 27: 2nd Class Seats and 2nd Class Superior Night Class Berths
All coaches are air-conditioned.
(Beli Tiket)
Tickets can be purchased at any KTM Railway Station and should be purchased in advance to make sure you can get a seat.
Train tickets in Malaysia go on sale anywhere from a couple of months to a couple of weeks in advance.
An easy solution for buying train tickets in Malaysia, is to book them online.
Click here for more information and to book your tickets online from our booking page >