KTMB E Ticket Online Booking
for ETS or Intercity Trains in Malaysia

If you want to book railway tickets in Malaysia, the KTMB E Ticket System is the online ticket booking facility from KTM Berhad (Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad), Malaysia Railways, used on their website and by online ticket agents.

Buy KTMB Train Tickets Direct from the KTM Website

(Beli Tiket Keretapi KTMB Terus dari Laman Web KTM)

If you want to book directly from the Malaysia Railways website, the KTM e-booking system is now much easier to use, and many people prefer booking direct. It is also the cheapest way to book tickets online.

All KTMB railway services on the new Electric Train Services (ETS) can be booked online as well as the older Intercity Express Trains on the Jungle line, Gemas - JB Shuttle Services and Shuttle Trains between JB and Singapore.

Booking Malaysia Train Tickets through an online Ticket Agent

Using a ticket agent is another way to book your Malaysian Train Tickets online.

There is no need to register for an account and tickets are sold at the same price as you would pay at the station / KTM website, however, an admin fee is added making it more expensive than booking direct from KTM.

One of the best ticketing agents for SE Asia travel, offering train, bus, ferry, car transfers and flights around the region.

Book Train Tickets at 12Go >

To view the full ETS Train Schedules, please see:

You can book all trains from Singapore and within Peninsular Malaysia from JB Sentral station in the south, to as far as Padang Besar on the border with Thailand in the north (a new SRT Shuttle train to Hat Yai in Thailand is now in service - from there you can connect with Thai Railway services to Bangkok).

If you want to buy tickets for the International Express Train from Butterworth (now Padang Besar) to Bangkok in Thailand, you can only do this from Padang Besar as the Butterworth KTM ticket office is no longer selling tickets for this service.

This is because this service is not operated by KTMB but by the State Railways of Thailand (SRT).

If you want to buy advance train tickets from Padang Besar into Thailand, you can now do that online.

Click here to visit our Thai Railways booking page >

Booking via the KTMB E Ticket System on the KTM Website

(Membuat tempahan melalui Sistem E-Tiket KTMB di Laman Web KTM)

If you want to book directly from the KTMB official website, they now have a new and improved website.

For more about booking train tickets at KTM and a direct link to the booking platform click here >

If you want to book a KTMB E Ticket for Senior Citizens (Malaysians only), you can now book them directly on the KTM website.

ETS Train Schedules >

ETS Trains in Malaysia >

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