Butterworth to Kampar by Bus or Train
How to Go from Penang Sentral

To travel from Penang to Kampar in Perak, you have a choice of taking a bus from Penang Sentral in Butterworth to Kampar express bus station or you can take a much quicker ETS train from the nearby KTM Butterworth railway station to KTM Kampar railway station.

How far is it from Butterworth Penang Sentral to Kampar by road?

The distance using the quickest road route driving along the E1 Expressway is 182 km.

If you are staying on Penang Island, the first part of your journey will be to take the ferry from Georgetown over to the mainland.

For more information on the ferry service, click on the picture link below:

Butterworth Penang Sentral to Kampar by Bus

(Bas dari Butterworth Penang Sentral ke Kampar)

Taking a bus to Kampar from Butterworth is the cheapest way to travel using public transport but it is much slower than taking the faster train.

The duration of the trip by bus to Kampar from Butterworth is around three hours (depending on traffic)

Coach companies that operate on this route include:

Perak Transit, Express Kesatuan and Transnasional.

What is the price for a bus ticket to Kampar from Butterworth?

(Berapakah harga tiket bas ke Kampar dari Butterworth?)

Expect to pay between 23 to 25 Ringgit for a bus ticket to Kampar from Penang Sentral in Butterworth.

You can book tickets online, from Penang Sentral ticket counters or through travel agents on Penang Island.

Buses from Butterworth Penang Sentral Bus Terminal to Kampar are not that frequent so if you do want to travel by bus we would recommend you book in advance to make sure you can get a seat.

Butterworth to Kampar Train (KTMB ETS)

(Butterworth ke Kampar Keretapi - KTMB ETS)

The most environmentally friendly and quickest way to get from Butterworth to Kampar in Perak state is to take the train.

The duration of the train journey is just over two hours using Malaysian Railways (Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad) Electric Train Services (known as ETS trains).

To find the latest train timetables, please see the following pages on our site:

What is the price for a train ticket to Kampar from Butterworth?

(Berapakah harga tiket kereta api ke Kampar dari Butterworth?)

Trains are a little more expensive than buses with ETS Gold ticket prices starting at 37 Ringgit.

Now KTM have introduced a Flexi Fare system, you can pay a little less than this if you book well in advance but you will pay more if you buy your tickets just a few days before departure.

For more information about KTM Flexi Fares click here >

To book train tickets click here >

Alternative Ways to Travel to Kampar from Penang Sentral

For the adventurous travellers with plenty of time but little cash, you could make use of the really cheap KTM Komuter train services from Butterworth into Perak state.

Komuter trains don't go as far as Kampar on this line but here is a route we would suggest:

Take the commuter train to Taiping (a town well worth a visit) see the sights, maybe spend a night or two.

From Taiping you could then take a local bus to Kamunting Bus Terminal where you can get buses heading to southern towns such as the royal town of Kuala Kangsar, Ipoh and Kampar.

Stop off to see the sights in these towns or just connect to the cheap local buses.

All the transport will cost you less than the bus fare to Kampar from Butterworth and you will get to visit some really nice, interesting places along the way.

Related pages:

Komuter (commuter) trains in Malaysia >

ETS trains in Malaysia >

Butterworth KTM Komuter / ETS trains >

Kampar KTM trains >

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