ETS Ipoh to Sungkai
KTM Train Schedule (Jadual) & Price

Last updated: 5 August 2024

The ETS Ipoh to Sungkai train operates on the dedicated Ipoh to KL Sentral ETS Route (Laluan) with many Gold and the odd Silver service departures a day.

The duration of the train journey is just 47 minutes making it easily the quickest way to get to Sungkai.

Ipoh to Sungkai ETS Train Schedule

(Jadual Keretapi ETS Ipoh ke Sungkai)

To see the train timetable in the other direction from Sungkai to Ipoh click here >

To see the full ETS schedule on the route from Ipoh to KLS click on the timetable below:

For the latest ETS fares from KTM Ipoh station click here >

To check for any changes to the departure times on this route, visit the official KTM Berhad website here >

ETS Ipoh to Sungkai KTM Train Ticket Prices

(Harga Tiket Kereta Api KTM ETS Ipoh ke Sungkai)

Train fares (tambang) on this route are:

ETS Gold Services: Adult Fares 19 MYR - Child Fare 14 MYR

ETS Silver Services: Adult Fares 15 MYR - Child Fare 12 MYR

Please note: The train fares shown above will now vary due to KTM using a Flexi Fare system where tickets are cheaper if you book far in advance, more expensive if you wait until just a few days before the departure.

There are also many different "Peak" and "Off-Peak" times of the day, days of the week and time of the year periods where prices will change.

To learn more about Flexi Fares:

Visit our Ipoh ETS fares page here >

Buy KTM Train Tickets from Ipoh

(Beli Tiket Keretapi KTM dari Ipoh)

If you want to travel on any ETS train within Malaysia, you will need a seat reservation.

To make sure you can get a seat on any particular departure it is always best to book your tickets as far in advance as you can.

If you are already in Ipoh you can visit the ticket counter at Ipoh railway station or you can go to any other ETS station and book advance tickets from there.

A more convenient way to book your seats is to buy tickets online >

For information about the station in Ipoh click on the picture link below:

Related pages:

ETS train timetables in Malaysia main page >

Ipoh KTMB trains main page >

Sungkai KTMB trains main page >

Ipoh to KL Sentral train times >

Ipoh to Kampar train times >

Ipoh to Slim River train times >

Ipoh to Tapah Rd train times >

Ipoh to Tg. Malim train times >

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