ETS Padang Besar to Sungai Petani Train Schedule (Jadual)

If you plan to travel on the ETS Padang Besar to Sungai Petani train services, there are a number of long-distance trains that leave from the Thai border station down to Kuala Lumpur and Gemas, stopping at SP along the way.

Please note: You can now also travel on the much more frequent and cheaper KTM Komuter train services between Padang Besar and SP.

KTM Padang Besar to Sungai Petani ETS Schedule

(Jadual ETS KTM Padang Besar ke Sungai Petani)

For ETS trains in the other direction from SP to PB click here >

KTM Padang Besar to SP ETS train timetable:

For ETS train fares from Pdg. Besar click here >

For information about Sungai Petani Railway Station click here >

It is now much easier and cheaper to take one of the regular KTM Komuter Trains that leave from Padang Besar to Butterworth every one or two hours (all stopping at Sungai Petani along the route).

The main difference with these trains compared to the ETS services is that you are not guaranteed a seat on the commuter services.

Passengers on ETS services are allocated a seat.

Komuter services are like tube / subway trains with seats down the sides and seats are not allocated. So on a really busy day, you may have to stand.

To see the full Komuter schedule and fares click here >

ETS Padang Besar to Sungai Petani Ticket Prices / Fares

(Tambang / Harga Tiket ETS Padang Besar ke Sungai Petani)

Tickets for this short trip to Sg. Petani varies depending on the type of service you want to take. Tickets cost:

Gold Services: Adult Fare = 23 MYR - Child fare = 16 MYR

Platinum Services: Adult Fare = 29 MYR - Child fare = 19 MYR

If you use the much more frequent and cheaper KTM Komuter Trains, a ticket from Padang Besar to Sungai Petani will cost only 9.30 MYR.

Buy KTM Train Tickets from Padang Besar to Sungai Petani

(Beli Tiket Keretapi KTM dari Padang Besar ke Sungai Petani)

If you want to make sure you can get a seat for a specific ETS train, you really need to book your tickets in advance.

To book your seats you can either book directly from the KTM website or for a much easier booking process, use an online ticket agent.

To book your seats online click here >

If there are seats available on the day of travel you will be able to buy tickets from the tickets counter located upstairs at Padang Besar Railway Station.

Tickets for the recommended cheaper Komuter services are also only sold from the KTM ticket counter at Padang Besar Station on the day of travel - No advance booking is allowed, so if you want to take the commuter services, just turn up at Padang Besar and buy your commuter tickets for the next departure.

Related pages:

KTM trains from SP to Padang Besar station >

Padang Besar Trains main page >

Sungai Petani Trains main page >

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