KTM Kempas to Kluang Schedule (Jadual) & Train Price (Harga Tiket)

There are a number of train services on the KTM Kempas to Kluang route, with Shuttle trains operating between JB Sentral and Gemas, as well as the long-distance Intercity (Antarabandar) train from JB to Tumpat.

All these services are operated by Malaysia Railways (Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad - known as KTMB or KTM for short).

The duration of the journey by train to Kluang from Kempas Baru railway station is approximately one hour and 35 minutes for the quickest services.

KTM Train Schedule from Kempas to Kluang

(Jadual Keretapi KTM Kempas ke Kluang)

KTM Timetable for 2024:

Train Number Departs Kempas Baru Arrives Kluang Book Online
ES 42 08:50 10:44 Book Tickets
ES 44 15:00 16:36 Book Tickets
ES 46 18:25 20:16 Book Tickets
ERT 26 20:44 22:37 Book Tickets

Timetable notes:

ES = Ekspres Selatan

ERT = Ekspres Rakyat Timuran

All services operate daily.

To see the Intercity timetable in the other direction from Kluang to Kempas Baru click here >

To view the full Intercity timetable for these services click on the timetable link below:

To check for any changes to departure times on this route you can:

Visit the official KTMB.com.my website by clicking here >

KTM Train Ticket Prices from Kempas to Kluang

(Harga Tiket Kereta Api dari Kempas ke Kluang)

The train fare from KTM Kampas Baru to KTM Kluang is as follows:

2nd Class (Superior Class) Seat: Adult 13 MYR - Child 11 MYR (available on all trains).

Premier Class Seat: Adult 20 MYR - Child 14 MYR (only available on the ERT 26 train).

Carriage on a KTM train to Kluang from Kempas BaruCarriage on a KTM train to Kluang from Kempas Baru

Buy Tickets on the KTM Kempas to Kluang Train

(Beli Tiket di Kereta Api Kempas ke Kluang)

Whenever you travel by train in Malaysia, we would always advise you to book your tickets in advance as trains can frequently be full during busy periods.

These periods can be during school and public holidays, one of the many religious festivals that are held throughout the year or even during weekends.

So, to avoid any hassle book it least a few days ahead - more if you can.

To make an advance booking on any KTM Intercity train service is relatively easy.

You can either:

Visit any mainline KTM railway station ticket counter and buy your advance tickets in person.

Or, to save yourselves a journey to the station, you can book online direct from the KTMB website or use an online ticket agent >

Related pages:

KTM Kempas Baru trains page >

KTM Kluang trains page >

KTM Intercity train page >

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