KTM Sungai Petani to Kuala Lumpur Train Timetable (Jadual) Price (Harga Tiket)

On this page, you will find the latest KTM Sungai Petani to Kuala Lumpur ETS train timetable for services to KL's old railway station (Terminal KTM).

If you want to see the timetable from SP to KL Sentral Railway Station click here >

KTM Train Schedule from Sg. Petani to Kuala Lumpur

(Jadual KTM Sungai Petani ke Kuala Lumpur)

To view the timetable for trains from Kuala Lumpur to SP click here >

KTM SP to Kuala Lumpur Old Station ETS train timetable.

Full ETS timetable until 31st of July 2024 >

New full ETS timetable from 1st August 2024 >

Latest ETS Train Timetable:

Train Number Departs Sg. Petani Arrives Kuala Lumpur Book Online
*EP 9273 08:37 12:58 Book Tickets
*EP 9275 10:42 15:03 Book Tickets
*EP 9277 14:47 19:08 Book Tickets
EG 9425 16:59 21:29 Book Tickets
*EP 9279 17:52 22:17 Book Tickets

To see all the latest ETS train ticket prices from Sungai Petani click here >

* These services are operated by one of the newer ETS2 trains that have a Business Class carriage.

Train numbers starting with an EG are ETS Gold Services.

Train numbers starting with an EP are ETS Platinum Services.

To see the full ETS schedule for all services from SP to KL, please click on the following link:

If you would like to compare travel by bus from Sungai Petani to KL:

See our bus booking page here >

KTM Sungai Petani to Kuala Lumpur Ticket Prices / Fares

(Harga Tiket KTM Sungai Petani ke Kuala Lumpur)

Train ticket prices from SP to Kuala Lumpur station depend on what type of train you take.

Gold services are the cheapest.

The slightly faster Platinum services are the most expensive.

Also, with the introduction of the KTM Flexi Fares, ticket prices can now vary due to quite a large amount of factors.

To see a list of all basic fares from SP to KL and an explanation of the Flexi Fares price changes:

See our Sungai Petani fares page here >

Booking Tickets for the ETS Train Sungai Petani to Kuala Lumpur

Whenever you travel by ETS train in Malaysia, you will need to reserve a seat.

You should also book as far in advance as you can to guarantee you can travel on the train you want to get (as some services can get fully booked during busy periods).

To make an advance booking you can:

Go to the ticket counter at Sungai Petani KTM Station (or you can buy your tickets from any other ETS station within Malaysia).

Or you can book online direct from the official KTMB.com.my website >

All times and fares on this page are shown for information and planning purposes only and may change without notice. Before travelling on the KTM Sungai Petani to Kuala Lumpur train, you may want to visit the:

Official KTMB.com.my website by clicking here >

Sungai Petani KTM Train times main page >

Kuala Lumpur train times main page >

KTM ETS train schedules main page >

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