KTM Taman Wahyu to KL Sentral Schedule (Jadual) Price (Harga Tiket)

The KTM Taman Wahyu to KL Sentral Komuter (commuter) train is a cheap, direct and easy way to travel to Kuala Lumpur Sentral railway station where you can connect to many different train services around the Klang Valley or for long-distance trips.

These Komuter trains are operated by Malaysia Railways (KTM Berhad) and the duration of the journey to KL Sentral from KTM Taman Wahyu is approximately 27 to 28 minutes.

For trains in the opposite direction from KL Sentral to KTM Taman Wahyu click here >

KTM Taman Wahyu to KL Sentral Komuter Schedule

(Jadual Komuter KTM Taman Wahyu ke KL Sentral)

To see the latest KTM departure times for Komuter services from Taman Wahyu, click on the timetable link below:

To see the full KTM Komuter train timetable in the other direction to Taman Wahyu click here >

On the Komuter route from Taman Wahyu, trains stop at the following Komuter stations:

KTM Ticket Price to KL Sentral from Taman Wahyu

(Harga Tiket KTM ke KL Sentral dari Taman Wahyu)

The KTM Komuter train ticket fare (tambang) to KL Sentral from KTM Taman Wahyu is 2.30 RM / MYR (Cash Price).

When travelling by KTM Komuter train you will need to buy a token at the "Cash Price" from the ticket counter at Taman Wahyu station or have one of the prepaid KTM Touch n Go cards where you pay a little less under the "Cashless" ticket rules.

To see all KTM ticket Cash Price fares for Komuter trains to KL Sentral station click here >

KTM Komuter train to Kuala Lumpur Sentral from Taman WahyuA KTM Komuter train to Kuala Lumpur Sentral from Taman Wahyu

If you are travelling on from KL Sentral by train, you can find details of services on the following pages on our site:

ETS long-distance trains >

LRT trains (Kelana Jaya Line) >

MRT trains (SBK Line) >

Monorail trains >

ERL trains to KUL Airport >

All KTM Komuter train times and ticket prices from Taman Wahyu to Kuala Lumpur Sentral are published for planning purposes only and may change without notice. Before travelling from Taman Wahyu station by Komuter train, we would recommend you check for any changes by clicking on the link provided below which will take you to the official Malaysia Railways (Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad) website:
The KTMB.com.my Komuter Trains page >

Related Pages:

KTM Taman Wahyu >

KTM KL Sentral >

KTM Komuter train timetables in Malaysia >

Other KTM routes for Komuter train to KL Sentral:

KTM Batu Caves to KL Sentral >

KTM Kampung Batu to KL Sentral >

KTM Batu Kentonmen to KL Sentral >

KTM Sentul to KL Sentral >

KTM Mid Valley to KL Sentral >

KTM BTS/TBS to KL Sentral >

KTM Kajang to KL Sentral>

KTM Nilai to KL Sentral >

KTM Seremban to KL Sentral >

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