On this page, you will find information on the KTM Train from Singapore to Segamat in the state of Johor in Malaysia and vice versa.
****Please Note: From July 2015, all KTM Intercity Trains are no longer travelling to Woodlands Station in Singapore.
All Intercity Trains will now originate and terminate at JB Sentral Station in Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
Trains services between Singapore and JB are now operated by a new Shuttle Train Service, which takes just five minutes to make the short journey over the Causeway.
Please see our Singapore to JB Trains page for more information and departure times >
(Jadual Keretapi Singapura ke Segamat - Dari JB Sentral)
Timetable - for trains departing Johor Bahru's JB Sentral Station to Segamat:
KTM Timetable for 2024:
Train Number | Departs JB Sentral | Arrives Segamat | Book Online |
ES 42 | 08:30 | 12:40 | Book Tickets |
ES 44 | 14:40 | 18:32 | Book Tickets |
ES 46 | 18:05 | 22:13 | Book Tickets |
ERT 26 | 20:25 | 00:31 | Book Tickets |
To see the full Timetables for these services click here >
If you would prefer to travel from Singapore to Segamat by bus:
Click here to go to our online bus booking page >
(Jadual Keretapi Segamat ke Singapura - melalui JB Sentral)
Timetable for train services from Segamat to Johor Bahru's JB Sentral Station :
KTM Timetable for 2024:
Train Number | Departs Segamat | Arrives JB Sentral | Book Online |
ES 41 | 02:36 | 06:25 | Book Tickets |
ERT 27 | 08:21 | 12:30 | Book Tickets |
ES 43 | 10:06 | 14:15 | Book Tickets |
ES 45 | 15:56 | 19:45 | Book Tickets |
All trains services operate daily.
To view the full timetables for these services click here >
Please Note: If you want to continue your journey by train to Singapore, you can take the five minute Shuttle Service to Woodlands Railway Station from JB.
Please see our JB to Singapore Trains page for more information and departure times >
All trains services operate daily.
Train fares between JB Sentral and Segamat cost:
1st Class Seat: no longer available.
2nd Class Seat: Adult 20 MYR - Child 14 MYR
2nd Class Superior Night Class:
Upper: Adult 26 MYR - Child 20 MYR
Lower: Adult 32 MYR - Child 26 MYR
Economy Class Seat: no longer available.
Seat Classes available on trains between Singapore and Segamat:
Shuttle Train Services: 2nd Class Seats Only
Trains 26 / 27: 2nd Class Seats and 2nd Class Sleeping Berths.
All coaches are air-conditioned.
The Shuttle Train between JB Sentral and Singapore Woodlands costs :
5 MYR from JB to SG.
5 SGD from SG to JB.
(Beli Tiket)
Tickets for these train services can be booked online directly from the KTM website, or you can book through an online train ticketing agent:
Click here to visit our booking page for more information >
Johor Bahru Trains main page >