ETS Alor Setar to Seremban KTM Train Schedule (Jadual) Fare

Last updated: 4 August 2024

Taking the ETS Alor Setar to Seremban train operated by KTM Berhad is the quickest way to travel overland to the capital city of Negeri Sembilan state in Malaysia.

The duration of the train journey from Alor Setar to Seremban is approximately six and a half hours using the direct ETS train.

ETS Train Timetable from Alor Setar to Seremban

(Jadual ETS Alor Setar ke Seremban)

To see the ETS timetable in the other direction from Seremban to Alor Setar click here >

KTM Alor Setar to Seremban ETS train timetable:

New full ETS timetable from 1st August 2024 >

New ETS train timetable from 1st of August 2024:

Train Number Departs Alor Setar Arrives Seremban Book Online
EG 9425 16:35 23:03 Book Tickets

This EG numbered train is an ETS Gold service.

As there is currently only one direct ETS train to Seremban from Alor Setar, an alternative way to travel by train is to take one of the more frequent ETS trains from Alor Setar to KL Sentral Railway Station in Kuala Lumpur >

From KL Sentral, you can then connect to one of the cheap and frequent KTM Komuter trains to Seremban >

To see the full ETS train timetable for all trains travelling from Alor Setar to KL Sentral click on the following link:

To see all the timetables for the KTM Komuter trains in Malaysia click here >

If you want to check all the latest ETS / Komuter timetables at the official KTMB website click here >

Train Fare for the ETS Alor Setar to Seremban or KL Sentral Trains

(Harga Tiket / Tambang)

To see all fares for ETS trains from Alor Setar to Seremban or KL Sentral click here >

Booking Tickets on ETS Trains from Alor Setar

When you want to travel by ETS train in Malaysia, you are strongly advised to book your seats in advance rather than just turning up at the station on the day of travel hoping to buy a ticket.

This is because ETS trains have a limited amount of seats and each passenger needs to reserve a seat (there are no standing passengers allowed).

To make an advance ETS seat booking you can:

Go to any ETS train station ticket counter within Malaysia.

Or a much easier option is to book your tickets online >

Alor Setar to Seremban by Bus

Taking a bus / coach from Alor Setar's Shahab Perdana Bus Terminal to Seremban is another travel option.

Bus tickets are cheaper than ETS trains, but it will take you an hour or two longer to get there

If you want to search for bus tickets from Alor Setar to Seremban click here >

Flights from Alor Setar to Seremban

If you are looking for the quickest way to get from Alor Setar to Seremban, you may want to look at taking a flight from Alor Setar Airport to Kuala Lumpur, then continuing on to Seremban by bus, train or taxi.

To search for cheap flights from Alor Setar click here >

Related pages:

Alor Setar KTM trains main page >

Seremban KTM trains main page >

ETS train schedules main page >

KTM Komuter (commuter) train schedules main page >

Arau to Seremban ETS train times >

Sungai Petani to Seremban ETS train times >

Butterworth Penang Sentral to Seremban ETS train times >

Alor Setar to Kajang KTM trains >

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