ETS Arau to Seremban KTM Train Schedule (Jadual) & Ticket Price

Last updated: 4 August 2024

Taking the ETS Arau to Seremban train is the only way to travel directly with no buses operating on this route.

Another option to travel by train is to take a more frequent ETS from Arau to KL Sentral station, then transfer to a KTM Komuter train for the last part of the journey.

The duration of the train journey from Arau to Seremban is approximately six hours and 50 minutes if you take direct ETS train.

KTM ETS train to SerembanKTM ETS train to Seremban

ETS Train Timetable from Arau to Seremban

(Jadual ETS Arau ke Seremban)

To see the ETS train schedule in the other direction from Seremban to Arau click here >

KTM Arau to Seremban ETS train timetable:

New full ETS timetable from 1st August 2024 >

New ETS train timetable from 1st of August 2024:

Train Number Departs Arau Arrives Seremban Book Online
EG 9425 16:13 23:03 Book Tickets

This EG numbered train is an ETS Gold service.

As mentioned above, you can also take one of the more frequent ETS trains from Arau to KL Sentral, then take the Komuter train from KL Sentral to Seremban.

To see the full ETS train schedule for all trains travelling south from Arau to KL Sentral station, click on the following timetable link:

Train Fare for the ETS Arau to Seremban or KL Sentral Trains

(Harga Tiket / Tambang)

To see all the latest train fares from Arau to Seremban or KL Sentral click here >

Seats on an ETS train to SerembanSeats on an ETS train to Seremban

Buy Tickets on ETS Trains from Arau

If you want to travel from Arau by ETS train you should always book your tickets/seats in advance and do not just turn up at Arau station on the day you are travelling without a ticket as you may get stuck there if the trains are full.

Buying ETS train tickets in Malaysia is easy to do.

You can either:

Go to any mainline KTM railway station ticket counter and buy your tickets in person.

Or a much simpler solution is to book your tickets online >

For information on the railway station in Arau click on the picture link below:

If you are travelling from Langkawi to Seremban, you can take the ferry to Kuala Perlis jetty, then either take a taxi (costing 25 - 30 MYR) to KTM Arau railway station or you can take a cheap local bus operated by MyBas Perlis from Kuala Perlis to Kangar, then another MyBas from Kangar to Arau station.

Related pages:

Arau KTM trains main page >

Seremban KTM trains main page >

ETS train schedules main page >

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Alor Setar to Seremban ETS trains >

SP to Seremban ETS trains >

Arau to TBS / Bandar Tasik Selatan ETS trains >

Arau to Gemas ETS trains >