ETS Ipoh to Kepong Sentral Train Schedule (Jadual)

If you want to travel on the fast Electric ETS Ipoh to Kepong Sentral train, there are regular departures every day with both Gold and the cheaper Silver services on this route.

Travelling to Kepong Sentral from Ipoh by train takes just over two hours and 10 minutes for the more regular Gold Services, with the Silver Service taking an extra 5 minutes, as this service stops at all stations along this route.

Ipoh to Kepong Sentral KTM Train Timetable

(Jadual Waktu Keretapi KTM Ipoh ke Kepong Sentral)

To see the schedule in the other direction to Ipoh click here >

KTM Ipoh to Kepong Sentral ETS train timetable:

Full ETS timetable until 31st of July 2024 >

New full ETS timetable from 1st August 2024 >

Current KTM Ipoh to Kepong Sentral train timetable:

Train Number Departs Ipoh Arrives Kepong Sentral Book Online
ES 9051 05:10 07:27 Book Tickets
EG 9025 08:22 10:36 Book Tickets
EG 9027 12:02 14:16 Book Tickets
EG 9029 15:30 17:44 Book Tickets
EG 9035 18:35 20:49 Book Tickets

To see the full timetable for all ETS trains on the Ipoh - KL Sentral route click on the timetable link below:

For the latest ETS train ticket prices from Ipoh click here >

Train numbers starting with EG are ETS Gold Services.

Train numbers starting with ES are the much less frequent ETS Silver Services.

To check for any changes to the Ipoh to Kepong Sentral train timetable shown above, you should visit the official KTM Berhad (Malaysian Railways) website by clicking here >

ETS Ipoh to Kepong Sentral Ticket Prices / Fares

(Tambang / Harga Tiket ETS Ipoh ke Kepong Sentral)

Fares on this ETS route from Ipoh to Kepong Sentral vary depending on the type of ETS service you take.

Tickets for seats on these trains cost approximately:

ETS Gold Services: Adult Fares 34 MYR - Child Fare 21 MYR

ETS Silver Services: Adult Fares 24 MYR - Child Fare 16 MYR

Please note: As KTM now uses a Flexi Fare system for ticket booking, ticket prices will vary from those shown above depending on a number of different factors.

To learn more about the Flexi Fare rules and to see all ETS fares from Ipoh click here >

Booking ETS Train Tickets

Like all ETS services in Malaysia, it is always best to make an advance booking to make sure you can get a seat on the specific train you require.

KTM ETS trains can often be full well in advance, so the earlier you book, the more likely you are to get a seat

Advance bookings can be made from any ticket counter at any KTMB railway station, or to save yourselves the trouble of making a trip to the station, you can easily book train tickets online, either directly from the KTM website, or more simply by using an online ticketing agent.

To book your tickets online click here >

ETS Ipoh to Kepong Sentral train carriageETS Ipoh to Kepong Sentral train carriage

Ipoh Trains main page >

Kepong Sentral Trains main page >

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