ETS Kampar to Ipoh KTM Train Timetable (Jadual) & Price (Harga Tiket)

A quick way to get from Kampar to Ipoh is to take an ETS train.

The duration of the journey is only 26 minutes for most services.

All ETS train services operating on the West Coast South to North Line stop at both of these stations so there are plenty of trains to choose from.

KTM Kampar to Ipoh ETS Train Schedule

(Jadual ETS Kampar ke Ipoh)

To see the timetable in the opposite direction from Ipoh to Kampar click here >

ETS timetable from KTM Kampar to KTM Ipoh:

Full ETS timetable until 31st July 2024 >

New full ETS timetable from 1st August 2024 >

Latest ETS train timetable:

Train Number Departs Kampar Arrives Ipoh Book Online
*EP 9272 09:15 09:42 Book Tickets
*EP 9172 10:05 10:32 Book Tickets
EG 9022 11:01 11:28 Book Tickets
*EP 9274 11:57 12:24 Book Tickets
EG 9420 12:55 13:22 Book Tickets
*EP 9174 13:10 13:37 Book Tickets
EG 9024 13:46 14:13 Book Tickets
*EP 9176 15:39 16:06 Book Tickets
EG 9028 17:09 17:36 Book Tickets
*EP 9178 17:57 18:24 Book Tickets
EG 9322 20:07 20:34 Book Tickets
*EP 9276 20:38 21:05 Book Tickets
EG 9032 21:12 21:39 Book Tickets
*EP 9180 22:12 22:39 Book Tickets
ES 9052 23:51 00:18 Book Tickets
*EP 9278 00:52 01:19 Book Tickets

Timetable notes:

EP numbered trains are Platinum ETS Services.

EG numbered trains are Gold ETS Services.

ES numbered trains are Silver ETS Services.

Train numbers marked with a * are the newest ETS2 trains that have a Business Class carriage.

Train numbers starting with a "90" are services on the dedicated KL Sentral to Ipoh route and are usually the easiest trains to buy advance tickets for.

To see the full ETS train schedule for the KL to Ipoh route click here >

All other services are long-distance ETS trains on the way to either Butterworth or Padang Besar.

To see the full long-distance ETS train timetable click here >

ETS Ticket Prices for the KTM Kampar to Ipoh Train

(Harga Tiket KTM Kampar ke Ipoh)

For all the latest ETS train fares to Ipoh click here >

How to Buy Tickets on the ETS Kampar to Ipoh Train

Even though this is just a short train trip, you should always plan ahead and buy your tickets in advance when you want to travel on any ETS train in Malaysia.

You can purchase ETS tickets in advance from any ETS railway station ticketing counter.

Or you can easily book tickets online >

Related Links:

Information about the Ipoh Train Station >

KTM ETS trains in Malaysia main page >

ETS timetables (jadual) main page >

Kampar KTM trains main page >

Ipoh KTM trains main page >

ETS Kampar to Taiping >

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