ETS KL Sentral to Batang Melaka KTM Train Schedule (Jadual) Price

The quickest way to travel from Kuala Lumpur to Batang Melaka in the state of Malacca, Malaysia, is to take the fast ETS KL Sentral to Batang Melaka train operated by Malaysian Railways KTM Berhad (Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad).

The duration of the trip by ETS train to Batang Melaka Station from KL Sentral is approximately two hours.

ETS Train Schedule from KL Sentral to Batang Melaka

(Jadual ETS KL Sentral ke Batang Melaka)

To see the ETS timetable in the other direction from Batang Melaka to Kuala Lumpur KL Sentral click here >

KTM KL to Batang Melaka ETS train timetable.

You can see the latest full ETS timetable for 2024 here >

Current ETS train timetable:

Train Number Departs KL Sentral Arrives Batang Melaka Book Online
EG 9321 12:14 14:33 Book Tickets
EG 9425 21:35 23:52 Book Tickets

To find the latest ETS ticket fares / prices from KL Sentral click here >

EG numbered trains are ETS Gold services.

EP numbered trains are ETS Platinum Services.

To see the latest full ETS train schedule from KL, click on the following link:

If you want to check train departure times at the official website click here >

ETS KL Sentral to Batang Melaka Train Fare / Ticket Price

(Tambang / Harga Tiket KTM KL Sentral ke Batang Melaka)

For the latest ETS train ticket prices from KLS to Batang Melaka click here >

Please note: As KTM now operates a "Flexi Fare" system, it is now slightly cheaper to book your tickets as far in advance as you can and slightly more expensive if you leave your booking until just a few days before your travel date. For more information, see the link to the KL Sentral fares page above.

Buy ETS Train Tickets from KL Sentral to Batang Melaka

(Beli Tiket Keretapi ETS dari KL Sentral ke Batang Melaka)

As with all travel by ETS train in Malaysia, it is always best to book your seats in advance as trains can get fully booked during busy times of the year.

You can book advance tickets from any ETS railway station ticket counter in the country (KL Sentral ETS ticket counter can get quite busy so allow plenty of time to buy your tickets).

Or you can buy your ETS train tickets / seats online direct from KTMB >

KL Sentral KTM ETS trains main page >

Batang Melaka KTM trains main page >

Information about Electric Train Services in Malaysia >

KTM ETS train timetables main page >

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