Below you will see the latest full train timetable for the KTM Komuter Tampin to Batu Caves Route / Line for all early morning departures from the first train of the day.
For later trains, please see the following pages:
KTM Komuter Timetable (Jadual KTM Komuter Tampin / Pulau Sebang ke Batu Caves) from December 2nd 2024 into 2025:
Monday - Friday Timetable (Jadual Waktu Isnin - Jumaat):
To view the full timetable in the opposite direction from Batu Caves click here >
Choose another Komuter timetable on this route for departures at other times of the day >
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday Timetable (Jadual Waktu Sabtu, Ahad & Cuti Umun):
Komuter train fares (tambang):
For all the latest travel news and to check for any disruption on this KTM Komuter route we recommend you to visit the KTM Berhad official website.
Click here to visit the KTMB website - Komuter page >
Using the KTM commuter trains is a cheap way to get around part of KL city, the Klang Valley and beyond.
For most tourists you will pay the "Cash Price" for tickets, however there are many discounts available for regular commuters.
To see a full list of all types of fares:
Please see the KTMB Komuter official website here >
KTM Komuter Train Timetable main page >