Seremban to Kajang
KTM Komuter Train Schedule (Jadual) & ETS

If you want to travel from Seremban to Kajang, the KTM Komuter (commuter) train is the best way to get there, with regular services starting from the early morning until the late evening.

There are also a few Electric Train Services, but they will cost you much more, so take the commuter train as it is easily the best value for money for this journey.

The distance from Seremban to Kajang (jarak Seremban ke Kajang) by road is approximately 45 km.

KTM Seremban to Kajang Timetable

(Jadual KTM Seremban ke Kajang)

Commuter Train Timetable to Kajang from Seremban

(Jadual Komuter dari Seremban ke Kajang)

For trains in the opposite direction from Kajang to Seremban click here >

Seremban Komuter Train Ticket Prices >

The duration of the journey from Seremban to Kajang by KTM Komuter train is approximately 50 minutes with six other stops at the following KTM stations:

KTM Tiroi, KTM Labu, KTM Nilai, KTM Batang Benar, KTM Bangi and KTM UKM (National University of Malaysia).

If you would like to check for the latest travel information for trains on this Komuter route, you can:

visit the official website Komuter Trains page here >

ETS Train Timetable to Kajang from Seremban

(Jadual ETS dari Seremban ke Kajang)

There are just a few ETS fast trains on this route taking just over 40 minutes to reach your destination.

The only advantage of using the ETS train is that all passengers travel in a reserved seat.

However, you will pay many times the commuter fares just to enjoy your seat for this short journey.

If you do want to see the latest ETS train timetable from Seremban click here >

KTM Seremban to Kajang Komuter Ticket Prices / Fares

(Tambang / Harga Tiket KTM Komuter Seremban ke Kajang)

To see the ticket prices for commuter trains to/from Seremban to Kajang click here >

Unlike ETS train, KTM Komuter trains need no reservation, you just turn up at the station, buy your tickets and hop on the next train heading to KL Sentral / Batu Caves.

Seating on Komuter trains is on a first-come, first-served basis so during the rush hours in the early morning when everyone will be heading into KL city centre, you will probably have to stand for a while (same again in the late afternoon and early evening when everyone will be heading home).

Related Pages:

KTM Seremban Trains main page >

Seremban to KL Sentral Trains >

Seremban to Bangi Trains >

Seremban to Serdang Trains >

Seremban to UKM Trains >

Seremban to Batu Caves Trains >

KTM Kajang Trains main page >

See all KTM Komuter Train Timetables >

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