Kajang to Seremban
KTM Komuter Train Schedule (Jadual) & ETS

Taking the KTM Komuter train is the easiest and cheapest way to travel from Kajang to Seremban, with regular departures from the first train of the day in the early morning, to the last train late in the evening.

You could also take one of the fast Electric Train services on this route, however, there are only a few trains a day and it will cost you many times the price.

KTM Kajang to Seremban Timetables

(Jadual KTM Kajang ke Seremban)

KTM Commuter Train Timetable from Kajang to Seremban

(Jadual KTM Komuter dari Kajang ke Seremban)

For the trains in the opposite direction from Seremban to Kajang click here >

The duration of the commuter train journey from KTM Kajang to KTM Seremban is approximately 50 minutes, with stops at the following stations along the route:

KTM UKM, KTM Bangi, KTM Batang Benar, KTM Nilai, KTM Labu and KTM Tiroi.

How far is it from Kajang to Seremban?

The distance from Kajang to Seremban (jarak Kajang ke Seremban) if you travel by road is roughly 45 km depending on what route you take.

If you would like to check for the latest KTM Komuter train information from the official KTMB website, you can:

Go to the KTM official website Komuter trains page here >

ETS Train Timetable to Seremban from Kajang

(Jadual ETS dari Kajang ke Seremban)

With so few Electric Train Services currently operating on this route, it is best to stick to using the KTM Komuter train services.

However, the one advantage of the ETS train is that it is faster (it only takes around 40 minutes) and you are guaranteed a seat as you need a seat reservation to travel on any ETS service in Malaysia (no standing passengers are allowed on ETS services while on the Komuter trains seating is on a first-come, first-served basis with a wide passenger standing area along the centre of the train coach).

If you are still interested in travelling by ETS train to Seremban:

You can see the latest ETS train timetable here >

KTM Kajang to Seremban Fares

(Harga Tiket KTM Kajang ke Seremban)

Travel by commuter train is very cheap.

To see the latest trains fares to/from Kajang click here >

To see the latest trains fares to/from Seremban click here >

ETS trains are much more expensive on this route and are usually only worth travelling on for longer distances.

With KTM's Fleksi Fares for ETS trains, the price also varies depending on how far in advance you book (the further ahead the cheaper) and a number of other factors such as the time of year you want to travel (ie holiday periods are more expensive).

The only way to get an actual price for any given day is to go through the online booking process.

Related Pages:

See all  KTM Komuter Train Timetables >

KTM Kajang Trains main page >

KTM Seremban Trains main page >

KL Sentral to Seremban trains >

Kajang to Mid Valley trains >

Kajang to TBS / BTS trains >

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