With all KTMB Intercity Express Trains from Ipoh to Johor Bahru (JB Sentral) now cancelled, you will now have to take the new high-speed Electric Train Service (ETS) to Gemas (where the dual track currently ends), then transfer to a Shuttle Train to take you to Johor Bahru.
This is actually faster than travel by the old Intercity Trains!
(Jadual KTM Ipoh ke JB Sentral)
For ETS Train departures from Ipoh to Gemas click here >
To see the full timetables for these ETS Trains click here >
For departure times of the connecting Shuttle Trains from Gemas to JB Sentral click here >
You can also use these Shuttle Trains to travel from Ipoh to:
Segamat, Labis, Bekok, Paloh, Chamek, Kluang, Rengam, Layang-Layang, Kulai and Kempas Bahru.
To see the full timetable for all services between Gemas and JB click here >
If you would now prefer to travel from Ipoh to Johor Bahru by bus:
See our bus booking page here >
(Harga Tiket KTM Ipoh ke Johor Bahru)
You will have to buy two separate tickets to travel from Ipoh to JB by train.
Seats on the ETS Train from Ipoh to Gemas cost:
ETS Gold: Adults: 59 MYR - Children: 34 MYR
The Shuttle Trains to JB Sentral have 2nd class seats and cost:
Adults: 21 MYR - Children: 15 MYR
Tickets for both sectors on this route can be purchased on the day of departure if there are any seats left.
We do however recommend you make an advance booking for these trains, as they tend to fill up quickly.
You can book your seats up to a couple of months in advance from Ipoh station or any other mainline KTMB railway station in Malaysia (advance booking periods do vary and sometimes tickets are only available a few weeks in advance).
You can also book tickets online from our online booking page here >
If you see the trains are full on the day you want to travel, you can travel from Ipoh to Johor Bahru by bus / coach.
To see a list of time and fares for buses:
Visit our online bus ticketing page here >
Johor Bahru Trains main page >