Bukit Mertajam to Taiping KTM Schedule (Jadual) Komuter, ETS Train

The quickest way to get from Bukit Mertajam to Taiping is to take a train operated by Malaysia Railways Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB / KTM).

On this route you have a choice of train services:

The cheap KTM Komuter Utara (Northern Commuter) train services.

Or, the quicker, more comfortable, but much more expensive Electric Train Services (ETS).

For travel by train in the opposite direction from Taiping to BM click here >

KTM Komuter Train Schedule to Taiping from Bukit Metajam

(Jadual Keretapi Komuter KTM ke Taiping dari Bukit Mertajam)

The most popular way to travel to Taiping from Bukit Mertajam is to take one of the cheap KTM Komuter services.

To see the KTM Komuter Utara train schedule on this route to Taiping from BM, click on the timetable link below:

To see the KTM commuter train schedule in the opposite direction from KTM Taiping to KTM BM click here >

To see the train fares for these commuter trains, see below here >

KTM Komuter Utara train from BM to TaipingKTM Komuter Utara train from BM to Taiping

KTM Komuter trains are less comfortable than ETS trains and seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you want to guarantee to get a seat, you should go by the much more expensive ETS trains where all passengers get a reserved seat with each ticket (see below).

ETS Train Schedule from KTM Bukit Mertajam to Taiping

(Jadual Keretapi ETS dari KTM Bukit Mertajam ke Taiping)

ETS trains offer a quicker and more comfortable journey but it comes at a price.

an ETS train from BM to TaipingETS train from BM to Taiping

Both ETS Gold and ETS Platinum trains run on the route to Taiping.

To see the latest schedule for all ETS trains to Taiping, click on the timetable link below:

KTM Train Ticket Price to Taiping from Bukit Mertajam

(Harga Tiket Keretapi KTM ke Taiping dari Bukit Mertajam)

Tickets on the KTM Komuter train to Taiping from Bukit Mertajam cost only 6.70 MYR.

If you travel by ETS train, tickets will cost between 16 and 26 MYR but you will have to pay slightly more if you leave your booking until the last minute or are travelling during a peak holiday time or weekends (due to the KTM Flexi fare rules).

If travelling by ETS train you should also book your tickets in advance from the station ticket counter or online >

Komuter train tickets are only sold on the day of travel from BM station ticket counter.

Related pages:

KTM Bukit Mertajam trains page >

KTM Taiping trains page >

All KTM Komuter train timetables in Malaysia >

All ETS train timetables in Malaysia >

KTM Bukit Mertajam to Parit Buntar >

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