ETS Arau to Gemas KTM Train Schedule (Jadual) & Price

Last updated: 4 August 2024

The ETS Arau to Gemas train takes you to the end of the line for the Electric Train Service in Peninsular Malaysia.

If you want to travel further south (to Johor state or Singapore), you will have to change trains at Gemas railway station and take a Shuttle service that runs between Gemas and JB Sentral.

The duration of the journey by ETS train from Arau to Gemas is approximately seven hours and 50 minutes.

ETS train to KTM GemasETS train to KTM Gemas

ETS Timetable from Arau to Gemas

(Jadual ETS Arau ke Gemas)

To see the ETS timetable in the opposite direction from Gemas to Arau click here >

KTM Arau to Gemas ETS train timetable:

New full ETS timetable from 1st August 2024 >

New ETS train timetable from 1st of August 2024:

Train Number Departs Arau Arrives Gemas Book Online
EG 9425 16:13 00:03 Book Tickets

EG numbered trains are ETS Gold services.

EP numbered trains are ETS Platinum services.

For the train timetable from KTM Gemas towards JB Sentral click here >

ETS Arau to Gemas Train Fare / Ticket Price

(Harga Tiket / Tambang ETS Arau ke Gemas)

The basic fare for this Gold service to Gemas from Arau is 96 MYR.

However, due to KTM's Flexi Fare rules, this price will vary depending on when you book and what day you travel on (tickets are cheaper if you book far in advance and travel on a weekday avoiding the peak times of day).

For more information about Flexi Fares and to see all ETS ticket prices from KTM Arau:

Visit our Arau ETS fares page by clicking here >

Seats on an ETS train to GemasSeats on an ETS train to Gemas

Buy Tickets on ETS Trains from Arau to Gemas

(Beli Tiket ETS dari Arau ke Gemas)

If you want to travel on these long-distance trains you should always book your tickets in advance as trains can often be full during busy times of the year.

To buy advance KTM ETS train tickets you can either:

Go to any ETS ticket counter at any mainline ETS railway station in Malaysia.

Or a much easier option is to book ETS tickets online >

For information on the KTM Arau train station, click on the picture link below:

If you are travelling from Langkawi to Gemas, you can take the ferry to the jetty at Kuala Perlis, then to get to KTM Arau station you can either take a taxi or a cheap bus via the nearby town of Kangar.

Related pages:

Arau KTM trains >

Gemas KTM trains >

ETS train timetables in Malaysia >

Padang Besar to Gemas ETS trains >

Alor Setar to Gemas ETS trains >

Sungai Petani to Gemas ETS trains >

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