ETS Tampin to Ipoh Train Schedule (Jadual KTM)

To get from Pulau Sebang / Tampin to Ipoh by train, you could take one of the direct ETS Tampin to Ipoh services or you can take a cheap KTM Komuter train to KL Sentral Railway Station then take one of the regular ETS train services from KL to Ipoh.

The duration of the journey by direct ETS train to Ipoh from Tampin / Pulau Sebang is approximately four hours and a 15 - 30 minutes.

To see the ETS timetable in the other direction to Tampin / Pulau Sebang click here >

Tampin / Pulau Sebang to Ipoh ETS Train Timetable

(Jadual ETS Tampin ke Ipoh)

KTM Tampin / Pulau Sebang to Ipoh train schedule:

See the new full ETS timetable from 1st August 2024 >

New ETS train timetable from 1st of August 2024:

Train Number Departs Pulau Sebang / Tampin Arrives Ipoh Book Online
EG 9420 08:29 13:11 Book Tickets
EG 9322 16:23 20:54 Book Tickets

For the latest ETS train fares to Ipoh, Perak click here >

Timetable notes:

EG numbered trains are ETS Gold Services.

EP numbered trains are ETS Platinum Services.

* Operated by the newer ETS2 trains that include a Business Class coach.

An alternative and slightly cheaper way to get from Tampin to Ipoh by train is to:

Take the cheap KTM Komuter train from Tampin to KL Sentral >

Take a frequent ETS train from KL Sentral to Ipoh >

To view the full ETS timetables for all long-distance northbound trains, see the following link:

To view the more frequent trains on the dedicated KL to Ipoh route click here >

For information about the Railway Station in Ipoh click here >

To check all train times at the official KTM Berhad (Malaysian Railways) website click here >

ETS Tampin to Ipoh Ticket Price / Fare

(Tambang / Harga Tiket ETS Tampin ke Ipoh)

For all the latest ETS train ticket prices to Ioph from either Tampin or KL Sentral click here >

Booking Tickets for the Ipoh ETS Train

To travel by ETS train in Malaysia, you need to have a reserved seat.

The best advice we can give you is to always book your tickets in advance rather than just turning up at the station.

Most of the time you will be able to get a ticket, but, there are many occasions where you will find the train fully booked.

If this happens to you at Tampin railway station, try to get a seat on one of the KL to Ipoh trains first, then take the Komuter to KL to make the connection.

To book advance train tickets in Malaysia you can:

Visit any KTMB ETS railway station ticket counter.

Or a much easier option is to book tickets online >

Related Pages:

KTM Tampin / Pulau Sebang Trains main page >

Ipoh KTM Trains main page >

KL Sentral KTM ETS Trains main page >

ETS Train schedules main page >

KTM Tampin to Taiping >