ETS Ipoh to Tampin KTM Train Schedule (Jadual ke Pulau Sebang)

If you want to travel from Ipoh to Melaka by train, the first step of the journey is to take an ETS Ipoh to Tampin (Pulau Sebang) train.

From the train station, you can then either walk into town to get a bus to Melaka Sentral or you can take a taxi.

The duration of the train journey by direct ETS train is approximately four hours and 20 minutes.

ETS Train Schedule from Ipoh to Pulau Sebang / Tampin

(Jadual ETS Ipoh ke Pulau Sebang / Tampin)

To travel in the opposite direction to Ipoh from Tampin click here >

KTM Ipoh to Pulau Sebang/Tampin ETS train timetable:

Full ETS timetable until 31st of July 2024 >

New full ETS timetable from 1st August 2024 >

Current train timetable in operation:

Train Number Departs Ipoh Arrives Pulau Sebang/Tampin Book Online
EG 9321 09:34 14:18 Book Tickets
EG 9425 18:55 23:38 Book Tickets

To see all the stops on this train route, click on the timetable link below:

For the latest ETS train fares from Ipoh to Gemas click here >

Timetable notes:

EG numbered services are ETS Gold Trains.

EP numbered services are ETS Platinum Trains.

To check departure times at the official KTM Berhad website click here >

Alternative Ways to Travel from Ipoh to Tampin by Train

As there are only a few direct ETS services to Tampin from Ipoh, another option is to:

Take one of the frequent ETS services from Ipoh to KL Sentral Railway Station >

Then take a cheap and regular KTM Komuter train from KL Sentral to Tampin >

If your final destination is Melaka, you may find it easier to take a bus from KL's TBS bus terminal to Melaka Sentral bus terminal rather than taking the train to Tampin.

To get to TBS from KL Sentral, you can take a quick and cheap KTM Komuter train >

To find bus tickets to Melaka click here >

ETS Fares / Ticket Prices (Tambang / Harga Tiket)

For the latest ETS ticket prices from Ipoh to Tampin or KL Sentral click here >

Booking Tickets for the ETS Ipoh to Tampin Train

As you need to have a reserved seat to travel on any ETS train in Malaysia, we always recommend you book your tickets in advance as some trains can be fully booked during busy periods.

You can book advance tickets from Ipoh Railway station (or any other KTMB ETS station) or you can:

Book your seats online >

More ETS Trains to/ from Ipoh >

Ipoh KTM Trains main page >

Tampin KTM Trains main page >

All KTMB ETS schedules >

KTM Ipoh to Seremban >

KTM Ipoh to Batang Melaka >

KTM Ipoh to Gemas >

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