KL Sentral to Pantai Dalam KTM Komuter Train Schedule (Jadual) Price (Harga Tiket)

To get from KL Sentral to Pantai Dalam, a cheap and quick way to travel is on one of the KTM Komuter (commuter) train service operated by Malaysian Railways (KTM Berhad).

The duration of the train journey to Pantai Dalam from Kuala Lumpur Sentral station is approximately 11 minutes with trains running regularly from the early morning on the Port Klang Komuter Route (Laluan Pelabuhan Klang).

KTM Komuter train on the Pantai Dalam RouteA KTM Komuter train on the Pantai Dalam Route (Laluan)

KTM KL Sentral to Pantai Dalam Train Schedule

(Jadual Keretapi KTM KL Sentral ke Pantai Dalam)

To see latest KTM Komuter train schedule from Kuala Lumpur Sentral Railway Station, click on the timetable link below:

To see the Komuter timetable for trains in the opposite direction from KTM Pantai Dalam to Kuala Lumpur Sentral click here >

Along this Komuter route from KL Sentral to Pantai Dalam, trains stop at the following railway stations:

KTM Ticket Price to Pantai Dalam from Kuala Lumpur Sentral

(Harga Tiket KTM dari KL Sentral ke Pantai Dalam)

The current Cash Price fare (tambang) from Kuala Lumpur Sentral to KTM Pantai Dalam station is 1.90 RM / MYR.

For all KTM Komuter train fares to/from KL Sentral station click here >

Tickets come in the form of a travel token that can be purchased from the KTM Komuter ticket counter on the main concourse of KL Sentral station.

Once you have your token, go through the passenger departure gates located next to the ticket counter, then take a train heading in the direction of Port Klang.

Once you arrive at Pantai Dalam station, you will need your token again to put into the exit gates.

All train times and fares to Pantai Dalam are shown for planning and information purposes only and may change without notice. Before taking the train to Pantai Dalam, you may want to visit the official Malaysian Railways (Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad) website to check for any changes by clicking on the link below:

The official KTMB.com.my KTM Komuter trains page >

Related Pages:

KL Sentral KTM Trains page >

Pantai Dalam KTM Trains page >

All KTM Komuter Train Schedules in Malaysia >

Other KTM Komuter train routes from KL Sentral on the Port Klang Line:

KTM KL Sentral to Batu Tiga >

KTM KL Sentral to Bukit Badak >

KTM KL Sentral to Padang Jawa >

KTM KL Sentral to Port Klang >

KTM KL Sentral to Seri Setia >

KTM KL Sentral to Setia Jaya >

KTM KL Sentral to Subang Jaya >

KTM KL Sental to Shah Alam >

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