KL Sentral to Setia Jaya
KTM Komuter Train Schedule (Jadual)

The fastest way to travel from KL Sentral to Setia Jaya is to take a commuter (komuter) train operated by Malaysian Railways Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB or KTM for short).

Trains to Setia Jaya run on the Tanjung Malim to Port Klang Komuter route (laluan) and the  duration of the train journey from KLS to Setia Jaya is approximately 27 minutes.

KTM KL Sentral to Setia Jaya Commuter Train Schedule

(Jadual Keretapi Komuter KTM KL Sentral ke Setia Jaya)

To see the latest KTM Komuter train departure times, click on the following timetable below:

To view the commuter train timetable in the other direction from Setia Jaya to KL Sentral click here >

How far is it to Setia Jaya from KL Sentral Kuala Lumpur?

The distance (jarak dari KL Sentral ke Setia Jaya) is approximately 14 km.

Along this KTM Komuter route to Setia Jaya, trains stop at the following stations:

For travel in the opposite direction from KTM Setia Jaya to KL Sentral click here >

If you want to check for any rail works or disruption along the Komuter line to Setia Jaya you can:

Visit the official KTMB.com.my Komuter train page by clicking here >

Ticket Prices for the KTM Train to Setia Jaya from KL Sentral

(Harga Tiket KTM dari KL Sentral ke Setia Jaya)

For the latest train ticket prices for KTM Komuter services, please:

See our KL Sentral fares (tambang) page here >

Buy Train Tickets to Setia Jaya from Kuala Lumpur Sentral

(Beli Tiket Keretapi ke Setia Jaya dari KL Sentral)

You can only buy your train tickets to Setia Jaya on the day of travel (there is no advance booking available or necessary for any travel by Komuter train)

When you arrive at KL Sentral railway station go to the KTM Komuter ticket counter on the main concourse or you can use one of the Komuter ticket vending machines.

Once you have your tickets, you can then take the next train heading towards Port Klang (Pelabuhan Klang).

Seating on KTM Komuter trains are on a first-come, first-served basis so if you want to travel in relative comfort it is always best to avoid the morning and evening rush hours.

Related Pages:

KL Sentral KTMB Trains main page >

Setia Jaya KTMB Trains main page >

KTMB Komuter Timetables main page >

KTM KL Sentral to Petaling trains >

KTM KL Sentral to Kampung Dato Harun trains >

KTM KL Sentral to Seri Setia Komuter trains >

KTM KL Sentral to Subang Jaya Komuter trains >

KTM KL Sentral to Shah Alam trains >

KTM KL Sentral to Padang Jawa trains >

KTM KL Sentral to Port Klang trains >

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