KTM KL Sentral to Port Klang Komuter
Train Schedule (Jadual) 2024

See the timetable for the KTM KL Sentral to Port Klang (Pelabuhan Klang) Komuter train, which leaves from the city centre to the coast where you can take ferry boats over to Sumatra in Indonesia (boats leave for Dumai and Tanjung Balai Asahan).

Port Klang KTM station is the last stop on this Klang Valley commuter route and the station is located just across the road from the ferry terminal, making it the best way to travel from KL to Sumatra.

The duration of the trip from Kuala Lumpur Sentral to Pel. Klang is around one hour, 25 minutes, with the first train leaving in the early morning until the last service late in the evening.

KTM KL Sentral to Port Klang Komuter Train Schedule

(Jadual Keretapi Komuter KTM KL Sentral ke Pelabuhan Klang)

To view the timetable in the other direction from Port Klang to KL Sentral click here >

If you want to see the full KTM Komuter train timetable with all the stops on this route between Tanjung Malim - KL - Port Klang - click here >

You can use these commuter trains to travel from KL Sentral to:

KTM Komuter Ticket Price to Port Klang from KL Sentral

(Harga Tiket Komuter KTM ke Pelabuhan Klang dari KL Sentral)

Travel by commuter train to Port Klang is very cheap with the "Cash Price" for tickets costing just 6.40 MYR.

If you plan to use the commuter train a lot, there are discounts available if you purchase a Touch N Go prepaid card from KL Sentral railway station.

Related pages:

For the Komuter timetable from Tanjung Malim to KL Sentral click here >

KL Sentral KTM trains main page >

KTM Port Klang trains main page >

KTM Komuter timetables main page >

KL Sentral to Shah alam trains >

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