KTM Bukit Mertajam to Alor Setar Train Schedule (Jadual Komuter)

The easiest way to travel from BM to Alor Setar is to take one of the regular KTM Bukit Mertajam to Alor Setar Komuter trains.

These cheap train services operate on the Butterworth to Padang Besar Komuter Utara route (Northern Commuter) departing Bukit Mertajam (BM) from the first train in the early hours of the morning, then at regular intervals throughout the day, until the last train in the evening.

The duration of the train journey from Bukit Mertajam to Alor Setar is scheduled to take 57 minutes - quicker than travelling by bus and also cheaper.

Bukit Mertajam to Alor Setar KTM Train Schedule

(Jadual KTM Bukit Mertajam ke Alor Setar)

To see the latest departure times for the KTM train to Alor Setar from Bukit Mertajam, click on the timetable link below:

For travel in the opposite direction from Alor Setar to BM click here >

This section of the KTM Komuter Utara route is often busy. This means that you may not be able to get a seat for part or all of the journey if you are travelling during the busy times of the day.

Seats on Komuter trains are on a first come, first served basis. There is also a wide aisle running down the centre of the train carriage for standing passengers.

Seats on a KTM Komuter train from Bukit Mertajam to Alor SetarSeats on a KTM Komuter train from Bukit Mertajam to Alor Setar

KTM Bukit Mertajam to Alor Setar Ticket Prices / Fares

(Harga Tiket KTM Bukit Mertajam ke Alor Setar)

The cash fare for these KTM Komuter trains from BM to Alor Setar is just 6.40 MYR (making it less expensive than most bus trips to Alor Setar).

To see the fares table for all KTM Komuter Utara trains click here >

Buying KTM Komuter Train Tickets

Komuter train tickets are only sold on the day of travel - so no advance booking is required or necessary.

You buy your tickets from the ticket counter at Bukit Mertajam, then take the next train heading north to Padang Besar.

ETS Train from Bukit Mertajam to Alor Setar

The long-distance ETS trains no longer operate on this route.

Alor Setar Train Station to Langkawi Ferry Jetty

If you are planning to travel from Bukit Mertajam to Langkawi Island, you can take a taxi to the Kuala Kedah Jetty from the train station in Alor Setar, or you can take a walk into the city centre, then travel by cheap bus from Alor Setar to Kuala Kedah Jetty for the ferry to Langkawi.

For information, timetabes and prices for the Kuala Kedah to Langkawi ferry, click here >

Other pages on our site that may interest you:

Bukit Mertajam trains main page >

Alor Setar trains main page >

KTM Komuter trains main page >

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