Alor Setar to Bukit Mertajam KTM Train Schedule (Jadual) & Price

The quickest, cheapest and most direct way to get from Alor Setar to Bukit Mertajam (BM) is to take a regular Northern Commuter train (KTM Komuter Utara) that depart between every one or two hours apart, with the first train in the early morning and the last train in the late evening.

These commuter services operate on the Padang Besar to Butterworth Komuter Route (Laluan).

The duration of the KTM Komuter train journey to Bukit Mertajam from Alor Setar is 57 minutes.

KTM Komuter Train Schedule to Bukit Mertajam from Alor Setar

(Jadual Keretapi Komuter KTM ke Bukit Mertajam dari Alor Setar)

KTM Komuter train on the route to Bukit MertajamKTM Komuter train on the route to Bukit Mertajam

To see the latest KTM Komuter schedule for trains from Alor Setar to BM, click on the timetable link below:

For travel in the other direction from BM to Alor Setar click here >

These services stop at all stations along the route in the following order:

KTM Kobah

KTM Gurun

KTM Sungai Petani

KTM Tasek Gelugor

KTM Bukit Mertajam

Bukit Mertajam Railway Station acts as the interchange station for all KTM Komuter Utara trains so you can change trains at BM to get on to the other Northern Commuter route that takes you into the state of Perak.

Trains on this route (from north to south) are:

KTM Simpang Ampat

KTM Nibong Tebal

KTM Parit Buntar

KTM Bagan Serai

KTM Kamunting

KTM Taiping

KTM Padang Rengas

KTM Kuala Kangsar

KTM Sungai Siput

KTM Ipoh

To see the full KTM Komuter schedule from Bukit Mertajam into Perak, click on the timetable link below:

KTM Alor Setar to Bukit Mertajam Ticket Price

(Harga Tiket KTM Alor Setar ke Bukit Mertajam)

The fare (tambang) for the KTM Alor Setar to BM train is 6.40 MYR.

To travel by KTM Komuter trains in Malaysia there is no need to book in advance (as you do for the ETS trains).

Just go to the ticket counter at Alor Setar train station, buy your tickets and then take the next train heading south to Butterworth (Penang Sentral).

For information about the train station in Alor Setar, click on the picture link below:

ETS Train to Bukit Mertajam from Alor Setar

(Keretapi ETS ke Bukit Mertajam dari Alor Setar)

The ETS train is no longer available on this route as all ETS services heading south from Padang Besar no longer take the branch line to Butterworth on which Bukit Mertajam station is located.

Related pages:

Alor Setar KTM trains page >

Bukit Mertajam KTM trains page >

All KTM Komuter train timetables in Malaysia >

ETS train schedules in Malaysia >

Other routes for KTM trains from Alor Setar:

Alor Setar to KL Sentral >

Alor Setar to Arau >

Alor Setar to Butterworth >

Alor Setar to Sungai Petani >

Alor Setar to Padang Besar >

Alor Setar to Ipoh >

Alor Setar to Seremban >

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