Seremban to TBS KTM Komuter Train Schedule (Jadual) or Bus from Terminal 1

To get from Seremban to TBS Bus Terminal (Terminal Bersepadu Selatan), the best way to travel using public transport is to take a KTM Komuter train (commuter) from Seremban to Bandar Tasik Selatan Train Station which is connected to the bus station by a footbridge or take a bus from Terminal One.

KTM Komuter Timetable from Seremban to Bandar Tasik Selatan  - BTS / TBS

(Jadual Waktu Komuter KTM dari Seremban ke Bandar Tasik Selatan - BTS / TBS)

KTM Komuter trains operating on this route run on the Tampin/Pulau Sebang to Batu Caves Line.

For the latest train schedule for all Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTM / KTMB) services, please click on the following link to our Komuter timetables pages:

For travel in the opposite direction from TBS to Seremban by KTM train click here >

The duration of the train journey from Seremban to BTS / TBS is approximately one hour and 10 minutes (times vary by a few minutes either way depending on which train you take).

Seats on a KTM Komuter trainSeats on a KTM Komuter train

All commuter trains operating on this route will stop at the following stations on their way to Bandar Tasik Selatan:




Batang Benar





If you are travelling to TBS Bus Terminal from Seremban to catch a long-distance bus / coach:

Visit our Malaysia bus booking page to find bus schedules and to book bus tickets online >

Seremban to TBS KTM Komuter Fare / Ticket Price

(Tambang / Harga Tiket KTM Seremban ke TBS)

The train fare from Seremban to Bandar Tasik Selatan station is currently 8.50 MYR (this is the cash price paid by passengers turning up at the station - various discounts are available for regular commuters).

Commuter train tickets are only sold on the day of travel so there is no need to book in advance and seating is on a first-come, first-served basis (very much like travelling on tube or subway trains in western countries).

ETS Train from Seremban to BTS / TBS

There are also the long-distance Electric Train Services that operate on this route.

However, there a very few departures and it will cost you much more than travelling by Komuter train.

If you do want to see the latest ETS train timetable for services on this route:

Visit our ETS northbound train schedule page here >

Bus to TBS from Seremban

(Bas ke TBS dari Seremban)

It is also possible to take a bus from Seremban Bus Terminal One to TBS Bus Terminal.

However, the duration of the bus journey is slightly longer (scheduled to take an hour and 15 minutes) and you can also get caught up in traffic coming into to Kuala Lumpur.

Most buses will cost slightly more than travelling by train, but you can sometimes find cheap bus companies where the price maybe slightly less then the cash prices for Komuter tickets.

To find bus departures / tickets to TBS from Seremban Terminal 1 click here >

Terminal 1 Seremban bus stationTerminal 1 Seremban bus station

Related pages:

KTM Seremban trains main page >

Seremban to KL Sentral KTM trains >

Seremban to Bangi KTM trains >

Seremban to Nilai KTM trains >

Seremban to Salak Selatan KTM trains >

Seremban to Serdang KTM trains >

KTM TBS trains main page >

KTM Komuter train schedules main page >

ETS train schedules main page >

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