Seremban to Nilai KTM Komuter Train Schedule (Jadual) & Fare

The most direct way to travel from Seremban to Nilai is to take a commuter train operated by Malaysian Railways KTM Berhad (Keratapi KTM Komuter) which takes approximately 20 minutes to cover the roughly 20 km distance between the two stations.

Taking a train is easily the best way to get to Nilai from Seremban as commuter trains are much quicker than travelling by bus on the same route.

For how to travel in the opposite direction from Nilai to Seremban click here >

KTM Komuter train on the Batu Caves LineA KTM Komuter train on the Batu Caves Line that operates between KTM Seremban Station and KTM Nilai Station.

KTM Komuter Timetable from Seremban to Nilai

(Jadual Waktu Komuter KTM dari Seremban ke Nilai)

Komuter trains operating on this route run on the Tampin/Pulau Sebang to Batu Caves Line/Route (Laluan) from the first train in the early hours of the morning, to the last train in the late evening.

To see the latest commuter train schedule to Nilai, please click on the following timetable link:

For the KTM Komuter timetable in the opposite direction from Nilai to Seremban click here >

The route to Nilai from Seremban is just three stops and takes you to the following stations along the line:




Seremban to Nilai KTM Komuter Fare / Ticket Price

(Tambang / Harga Tiket KTM Seremban ke Nilai)

The train fare from Seremban to Nilai KTM station is currently 3.60 MYR.

This is the "Cash Price" that you pay if you turn up at the station to buy your tickets (tokens) at the station.

There are various discounts available for regular commuters, with concession fares for Students and Malaysian Pensioners.

To see the KTM Komuter train fares to all stations to/from Seremban click here >

To see the KTM Komuter train fares to all stations to/from Nilai click here >

Seating on a KTM Komuter trainSeating on a KTM Komuter train

KTM commuter trains are very much like Subway/Tube trains you get in the west with seating arranged along the sides of the carriages and a wide central aisle for standing passengers.

You will find the best times to travel are after the early morning rush hours when many commuters will be heading towards KL Sentral station for work.

Related pages:

Seremban to TBS Bus Terminal KTM trains >

Nilai to KL Sentral KTM trains >

KTM Seremban trains main page >

KTM Nilai trains main page >

KTM Komuter train schedules main page >

ETS train schedules main page >

Other Komuter routes from KTM Seremban:

KTM Seremban to Batang Benar >

KTM Seremban to Bangi >

KTM Seremban to UKM >

KTM Seremban to Kajang >

KTM Seremban to Serdang >

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