Last updated: 5 August 2024
See the KTM Berhad high-speed ETS Ipoh to Seremban train timetable for travel on Malaysia's new Electric Train Service on the West Coast Railway Line.
(Jadual ETS Ipoh ke Seremban)
To see the train timetable in the opposite direction from Seremban to Ipoh click here >
To see the full timetables for these ETS services click on the timetable link below:
For ETS train fares (tambang) from Ipoh click here >
All trains operate daily.
EG numbered trains are ETS Gold Services.
EP numbered trains are ETS Platinum Services.
You can also travel from Ipoh to Seremban by bus. It is slower than the new fast trains but slightly cheaper.
If you would prefer to travel by bus / coach you can:
Find bus schedule and fares here >
To find a great place to stay in Seremban click here >
All train times published on this page are for planning purposes only and may change without notice. To check for any changes to the ETS train schedule from Ipoh to Seremban you should visit the official timetable page on their official website by clicking here >
(Tambang / Harga Tiket KTM Ipoh ke Seremban)
ETS Tickets for this route will cost you:
ETS Gold Service:
Adult 45 MYR - Children 27 MYR
ETS Platinum Service:
Adult 59 MYR - Children 34 MYR
Fares are for one way tickets - no discount for return tickets.
Please note: Now KTM has a Flexi Fare system for buying ETS train tickets, the fares shown above will vary depending on if you are travelling during a "Peak" or Off-Peak" time of the day, day of the week or period of the year and how far in advance you book your seats.
Like all train tickets in Malaysia, you can book your seats for these services either at any KTMB main station ticket counter or online.
Seats on these long distance services can get sold out quite quickly, so advance booking is highly recommended.
To book your tickets online now click here >
For information about Ipoh railway station / ticket counter click here >
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