ETS Sungai Petani to Batu Gajah KTM Train Schedule (Jadual) Price

Last updated: 4 August 2024

The quickest way to get to Batu Gajah from Sungai Petani (SP) is to take one of the fast Electric train Services (ETS) operated by Malaysian Railways Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTM / KTMB).

The duration of the journey by an ETS Sungai Petani to Batu Gajah train is around two hours for the fastest train.

ETS KTM Train Schedule from Sungai Petani to Batu Gajah

(Jadual Keretapi ETS KTM dari Sungai Petani ke Batu Gajah)

To view the KTM train timetable in the other direction from Batu Gajah to SP click here >

KTM SP to Batu Gajah ETS train timetable.

New full ETS timetable from 1st August 2024 >

New ETS train timetable from 1st of August 2024:

Train Number Departs Sg Petani Arrives Batu Gajah Book Online
*EP 9273 08:29 10:34 Book Tickets
*EP 9275 10:54 12:59 Book Tickets
EG 9425 17:05 19:13 Book Tickets
*EP 9279 18:08 20:13 Book Tickets

Timetable notes:

EP numbered trains in the timetable above are ETS Platinum services.

EG numbered trains are the cheaper ETS Gold services.

* Newer ETS2 trains that include a new Business Class carriage.

To see the latest full southbound ETS train timetable from Sg. Petani, click on the following link:

For information on the railway station in Sungai Petani, click on the picture link below:

ETS Sungai Petani to Batu Gajah Train Ticket Prices / Fares

(Tambang / Harga Tiket ETS Sungai Petani ke Batu Gajah)

Now that KTM is pricing train tickets using their Flexi Fare system, prices for tickets vary due to multiple factors as well as the difference in price between the more expensive Platinum trains and cheaper Gold trains.

These include:

When you book - It is now cheaper to book far in advance and more expensive if you leave it until just a few days before.

When you are travelling - there are many different "Peak" and "Off-Peak" times of the day, days of the week and periods during the year.

To see the basic train fares from Sungai Petani and more information on Flexi Fares click here >

Where to Buy ETS Train Tickets

(Tempat Beli Tiket Keretapi ETS)

To travel by ETS train in Malaysia, you need to reserve a seat.

As seating is limited, it is always the best advice to book your tickets as far in advance as you can as trains can often be full during busy times of the year and even at weekends.

To make a reservation you can visit any KTM train station ticket counter.

Or more conveniently, book online >

Related pages:

SP to Ipoh trains >

SP to Kampar trains >

SP ETS train times page >

Sungai Petani KTMB Trains main page >

KTMB ETS Train schedules >

ETS Trains in Malaysia main page >

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