KTM Padang Jawa to TBS Komuter Train Schedule (Jadual) Price (Harga Tiket)

The KTM Padang Jawa to TBS Komuter train is a cheap way to travel to TBS Bus station (Terminal Bersepadu Selatan) with regular services operated by the Malaysia state railway operator, KTM Berhad.

To get to TBS bus station, you take a train to Bandar Tasik Selatan railway station (BTS).

From BTS train station to the TBS bus station, you then take the short walk via the connecting elevated footbridge to the bus terminal building.

KTM Padang Jawa to TBS Komuter Train Schedule

(Jadual Keretapi Komuter KTM Padang Jawa ke TBS)

There are no direct KTM train services to TBS / BTS, so you have to travel via KL Sentral railway station.

1) Take the KTM Komuter train on the Port Klang Line from Padang Jawa to KL Sentral >

2) Take the KTM Komuter train on the Seremban Line from KL Sentral to Bandar Tasik Selatan >

To see the latest full KTM commuter train schedule for this route, see the following KTM timetable pages below:

An alternative way to get to TBS bus station from Padang Jawa by train is to take the following route:

Take a KTM Komuter train from Padang Jawa to Subang Jaya.

At Subang Jaya integrated KTM / LRT station you can then take an LRT train on the Kelana Jaya Line to Masjid Jamek.

At Masjid Jamek LRT station, you will then have to change onto the Sri Petaling LRT Line to Bandar Tasik Selatan / TBS.

Another slightly longer route that avoids the busy central KL area is to take the LRT train to Putra Heights, then change onto the Sri Petaling Line to BTS.

Ticket Prices for the KTM Train to TBS from Padang Jawa

(Harga Tiket KTM dari Padang Jawa ke TBS)

The Cash Price train fare (tambang) for KTM tickets from Padang Jawa to BTS / TBS is 5.60 RM / MYR.

To see all the cash price commuter train fares to TBS / BTS click here >

KTM Komuter train on Padang Jawa - TBS RouteA KTM Komuter train on Padang Jawa - TBS Route

All KTM Komuter train times and fares from Padang Jawa KTM station are published for information and planning purposes only and may change without notice. Before travelling to TBS / BTS, we recommend you visit the official Malaysia Railways (Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad) website by clicking on the link provided below:

The official KTMB.com.my websites Komuter train page >

Related Pages:

Padang Jawa KTM trains page >

TBS KTM trains page >

LRT trains to TBS / BTS >

Bandar Tasik Selatan KTM trains page >

See all KTM Komuter train schedules in Malaysia >

KTM Shah Alam to TBS >

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