KTM Tanjung Malim to KL Sentral
Komuter Train Timetable (Jadual)

Taking the KTM Tanjung Malim to KL Sentral Komuter Train is a cheap way to travel, with many services a day taking you to the centre of the capital.

Commuter trains run every hour or so from Tg. Malim railway station, taking approximately one and a half hours to get to Kuala Lumpur Sentral railway station.

For the latest ETS timetable from Tg. Malim to KL click here >

KTM Tanjung Malim to KL Sentral Komuter Schedule

(Jadual KTM Tanjung Malim ke KL Sentral)

To see the latest Komuter schedule, click on the timetable link below:

To view the timetable in the other direction from Kuala Lumpur click here >

KTM Komuter train on the Tanjung Malim to KL routeKTM Komuter train on the Tanjung Malim to Kuala Lumpur Sentral route

To see the full new timetable for the Tanjung Malin to Port Klang route click here >

You can use these trains to travel from Tanjung Malim to:

  • Kuala Kubu Bharu (13 minutes)
  • Rasa (18 minutes)
  • Batang Kali (21 minutes)
  • Serendah (29 minutes)
  • Rawang (40 minutes)
  • Kuang (49 minutes)
  • Sungai Buloh (57 minutes)
  • Kepong Sentral (one hour 4 minutes)
  • Kepong (one hour 8 minutes)
  • Segambut (one hour 12 minutes)
  • Putra (one hour 17 minutes)
  • Bank Negara (one hour 20 minutes)
  • Kuala Lumpur old station - Terminal KTM (one hour 25 minutes)

For the timetable for stations from KL Sentral to Port Klang click here >

Commuter trains in Malaysia are very much like subway / tube trains in other countries.

Seating is usually down the sides of the carriages, with standing room in the centre of the cars.

When they are busy, you may find you have to stand for part or even all of the journey.

There are no toilets or other luxuries on-board.

They are just to get you from point A to point B as cheaply as possible.

The other, more comfortable option to travel by train from Tanjung Malim to Kuala Lumpur, is to take one of the faster Electric Train Services (ETS).

ETS Trains from Tg. Malim to KL Sentral

(ETS Tanjung Malim ke KL Sentral)

When you travel on an ETS Train from Tg Malim to KLS you have your own reserved seat, so making the journey to KL much more comfortable.

ETS Trains also stop at fewer stations and travel faster, but are more expensive.

All services on the Ipoh to KL Sentral ETS route stop at Tanjung Malim and are the best trains to take.

If you want to see the latest ETS timetable and fares on the Ipoh - KL route click here >

Seats on an ETS Gold train from Tanjung Malim to KLSeats on an ETS Gold train from Tanjung Malim to KL

Other long distance ETS services also stop here, but seats are usually harder to obtain.

To see the full long distance ETS timetable click here >

Booking Tickets and Prices for the Train from Tanjung Malim to KL Sentral

(Beli tiket / Tambang / Harga Tiket KTM Tanjung Malim ke KL Sentral)

The KTM Komuter cash fare for trains to KL is currently 10.40 MYR.

Tickets for these services are only sold on the day of departure - no advance booking is necessary or available.

If you want to take an ETS service, you should book your tickets in advance as they can often be full.

For ETS fares to KL Sentral click here >

To book ETS tickets click here >

Related pages:

Kuala Lumpur Central KTM Trains main page >

Tanjung Malim KTM Trains main page >

Sungai Buloh to KL Sentral Komuter trains >

Rawang to KL Sentral KTM trains >