Seremban to Batang Benar KTM Komuter Train Schedule (Jadual) & Fare

The quickest way to get from Seremban to Batang Benar is to take one of the KTM Komuter (commuter) train services on the Tampin/Pulau Sebang - Batu Caves Route (Laluan) operated by Malaysia Railways (Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad).

The duration of the journey to KTM Batang Benar station from KTM Seremban railway station takes approximately 27 minutes using these cheap commuter train services.

Komuter train from KTM Seremban to KTM Batang BenarKomuter train from KTM Seremban to KTM Batang Benar

KTM Seremban to Batang Benar Timetable

(Jadual KTM Seremban ke Batang Benar)

To see the train schedule for Komuter services on the route to Batang Benar from Seremban, click on the timetable link below:

To see the timetable for commuter trains in the opposite direction from KTM Batang Benar to Seremban station click here >

Komuter trains on the way to Batang Benar stop at the following stations along this route:

KTM Seremban

KTM Tiroi

KTM Labu

KTM Nilai

KTM Batang Benar

To check for any departure time changes or for more information on commuter services in the Klang Valley:

Visit the official KTM Komuter trains page by clicking here >

KTM Fare / Ticket Price to Batang Benar from Seremban

(Tambang / Harga Tiket KTM dari Seremban ke Batang Benar)

The commuter train fare from KTM Seremban to KTM Batang Benar is 4.10 MYR (Cash Price).

To see all the fares (cash price) for commuter train services to/from Seremban click here >

The "Cash Price" (Harga Tunai) fare is the price you pay for a single journey if you just turn up at Seremban railway station and pay for your tickets then.

You get a "Token" rather than the usual ticket which is used to pass through the barriers to/from the platform.

You will be able to get a small discount on Komuter ticket prices if you buy a pre-loaded Touch N' Go card but we would only recommend you buy one of these if you are planning to use the Komuter train services a lot during your stay.

For more information about prepaid cards, see the link to the KTM website above.

Related Pages:

Seremban KTM Trains page >

Batang Benar KTM Trains page >

All Komuter Train Timetables in Malaysia >

Other Komuter trainn routes from Seremban station:

KTM Seremban to KL Sentral station >

KTM Seremban to Bangi >

KTM Seremban to Batu Caves >

KTM Seremban to Kajang >

KTM Seremban to Nilai >

KTM Seremban to TBS >

KTM Seremban to Serdang >

KTM Seremban to UKM >

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